Tech Stack for your Startup in 2024

Learn about the right tech stack you need for your startup for adaptability, longevity, and competitive advantage in the tech-lead startup world.
Tech Stack for your Startup

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, technology isn’t only the backbone of business innovation, but also the main driver of success. The rapid evolution of technology has encouraged every startup to change the way they operate and start choosing the right tech stack for them. 

Making a decision on which tech stack is right for you doesn’t only determine your startup’s adaptability and longevity, but will help your startup stand out from competitors. In the earlier stages of your startup, having the right tech stack can make a serious difference. 

Therefore, in this article, we’ll dive deeper and show you which steps to follow to create the right tech stack for your startup this year. 

JavaScript stacks 

JavaScript stacks

A JavaScript stack includes a backend and frontend framework or library, and a database. As of now, nearly 64% of developers use JavaScript. All components are used for developing powerful applications, which include a cloud platform, package manager, module bundler, and a version control system. Now, let’s dive deeper and learn more about JavaScript stacks: 

  • Front-end: These are used for client-side development. Popular options include React.js, Angular.js, and Vue.js. React.js is used for building user interfaces (UIs), allowing developers to reuse UI components. Angular.js is used for creating dynamic web applications, while vue.js is a JavaScript framework that builds UIs. Vue.js can be used for integration with other projects and libraries. 
  • Back-end: There are two popular options which include Node.js and Django. They are both used for server-side scripting. Node.js allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side, while Django is used for handling asynchronous tasks. 
  • Database: The most common databases used in the JS stack include MySQL and MongoDB. MongoDB stores data in a JSON-like format and is commonly used with Express.js and Node.js. In other cases, depending on what the project requires, developers will use MySQL or PostgreSQL when they need to use a NoSQL database. However, as projects grow and analytical needs evolve, developers might find it beneficial to migrate data from MongoDB to BigQuery.

There are many advantages when using the JavaScript stack. One of the main advantages is using the same language and using both frontend and backend coding. Also, the great news is that JavaScript has a highly active community that is always improving and this can help you and your team as well. 

Financial reporting software stack

Use financial reporting software stack to comply with the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 2

Financial reporting software

The IFRS 2 is the accounting standard that deals with share-based payments. It shows you how you are supposed to expense share-based payments in your financial reporting. Businesses of all sizes should comply with these standards, so you must do so from the beginning. 

All businesses that use the IFRS 2 are doing so to establish a fair value of share-based payments. There are two types of share-based payment transactions: 

  • Equity-settled transactions: This includes transactions where goods or services are exchanged for any equity instrument (a share or option) 
  • Cash-settled transactions: Goods and services are exchanged for cash or any other valuable asset. 

While there are plenty of pricing models to choose from, the most popular one is the Black-Scholes model. This model how much stock options are worth based on five inputs: 

  • Volatility: How much the stock’s value increases and decreases throughout time, which is determined by the standard deviation of log returns
  • Stock price: The stock price when you are doing the calculation
  • Exercise price: The price of the stock when it’s exercised
  • The validity time frame of the option: How long the option is valid for
  • The risk-free interest rate: The amount of interest that is going to be accumulated if the stock is subject to no risk

While it might sometimes be challenging to comply with the IFRS 2, your best bet is to use a financial reporting software that will automatically generate reports with instant IFRS 2 expensing. The financial reporting software can automatically automate error flags, documents, and calculations, ready to export and share at all times. 

Going the extra mile with logistic startups and your preventive maintenance checklist 

Logistic startups are becoming highly popular with the right software, you can aid your startup in no time. 

This counts for fleet managers the most and technology has come so far that it makes your preventative maintenance checklist much more advanced. Your preventive maintenance checklist should include: 

  • State and federal compliance regulations
  • Internal goals for maintenance
  • OEM warranties and guidelines 

If you want to make your PM checklists effective, here’s what you need to do: 

  • Follow OEM recommendations for service intervals
  • Conduct daily driver-vehicle inspection reports 
  • Decide to outsource your PM or handle it in-house
  • Endorse record-keeping to calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and track other expenses
  • Have a system for tracking your inventory and parts

Other than that, to make your logistics start-up a successful one, you need to make a choice on which software you need to use. However, before you make a decision in choosing which software is right for you, you need to first consider a few key factors: 

  • The software’s flexibility and scalability
  • Its integration capabilities 
  • How user-friendly it is 
  • Its reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Data sharing abilities 

Other than that, if you want your logistic startup to run effectively, here is the type of software you need to use: 

  • Cloud-based logistics software provider 
  • Supply chain management software
  • Freight management software
  • Route planning and optimization software
  • Transportation Management System (TMS) platform

The type of software you use will depend on what your business requirements are. It’s always important to do more research on them to learn more so you can succeed in the long term. 

Microsoft’s Tech stack

Microsoft’s Tech stack

Microsoft’s tech stack is a robust framework supporting a wide range of apps and tools. Overall, Microsoft has a range of products that are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all industries and sizes. In other words, it’s a one-stop shop for all enterprises: 

  • Microsoft Office: This is a top choice that easily integrates with other products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams. Cloud-based collaboration features encourage effortless communication and document sharing, making it much easier for teams to communicate and collaborate. 
  • Windows Server: Provides you with essential services such as storage, networking, and virtualization. 
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Combines Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications. The solution is that you get an all-in-one platform for managing your sales and all customer interactions. 
  • Power BI: A business analytics tool that transforms raw data into visualizations. 

Moreover, you have the key technologies in the Microsoft tech stack for developers that include: 

  • ASP.NET: Used for building web applications, from simple to complex ones. It easily integrates with other Microsoft technologies and supports multiple programming languages. 
  • Microsoft.NET: Supports different programming languages. Key components include Common Language Runtime (CLR), and Base Class Library (BCL). 
  • Microsoft SQL: Makes sure that your data storage, retrieval, and management is as efficient as possible. 
  • Microsoft Web API: A framework that is used for building HTTP services that can be consumed by mobile devices, desktop apps, website browsers, and consumers. Many modern apps are strongly dependent on Web APIs for establishing communication between components. 

Truly office 

As an alternative to Microsoft’s products, many startups also turn their attention to Truly Office. It’s specially designed for startups and freelancers. The Suite includes many productivity applications for analyzing data, editing documents, and creating presentations. 

Similar to Microsoft products, Truly Office provides Truly Word, sheets, slides, and is compatible with all operating systems. All users can save their work offline and synchronize their files across all of their devices by using the Truly cloud. 

Moreover, Truly Office is compatible with Microsoft Office applications and Google Suite file formats. The advantage you have is that you are offered a one-time purchase model with no hidden fees. 

Ruby on Rails (RoR) 

Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Ruby on Rails is popular since it always follows the Convention over Configuration (CoC) principle. This principle makes the development process much easier for developers. Additionally, a Ruby on Rails developer can use a Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. This pattern is great for programmers since they can work on different app components independently. 

Ruby is used as a programming language and Rails is the Web application framework. The advantages of using RoR include: 

  • Easy to modify
  • Many resources and tools to use that are created from a community of developers
  • Thanks to the CoC principle, your development phase is fastened 

The only thing to know about RoR is that its learning curve is steeper, so if you are just getting started, you need to be patient. 

The flutter tech stack 

The flutter tech stack is used in the cross-platform development industry. It was initially developed by Google and uses Dart as its programming language. It has four key components, which include: 

  • Dart 
  • The Flutter engine
  • The Foundation Library 
  • Design-specific frameworks 

Flutter is an excellent option if you are focusing on B2C or C2C projects. Key advantages include:

  • Offers easy cross-platform updates
  • Not as difficult to learn as RoR
  • Ready-made UI design and elements 
  • Has a really powerful community of developers 

Popular companies like eBay Motors and Toyota use the Flutter tech stack. However, if you are focused on complex apps, it’s best not to use it. 

Choose the right tech stack for your startup 

We mentioned many different options for you to choose from. It’s now your time to choose the right tech stack that blends in with your startup needs, both in the present and in the future. When it comes to financial compliance, you can use financial reporting software that complies with the IFRS 2. 

Your main goal is to build a scalable and secure tech stack that will help your startup in all ways possible. As we said before, the final decision is up to you and what your business requirements are.