Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for PC box
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  • Icons Apps
Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for PC
€76,95 EUR €108,95 EUR
Save: 29%
Install for one device One-time purchase for 1 person Licensed for home and school use Runs on Windows 10 & 11 (PC version only) Classic 2019 version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Lifetime support Enjoy the essentials to get it all done. Office Home and Student 2019 is for students and families who want classic Office apps including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Windows 10. A one-time purchase installed on 1 PC (or Mac) for use at home or school. One simple download on one computer allows you access to the four classic applications from Microsoft. Back up download is supported in case you have a tech emergency or last minute pc crash.Adds convenience to your schoolwork, giving you more time to enjoy yourself. Upgraded features focus on efficiency and a beautiful, intuitive layout. It is designed to easily allows you to share your content, making it easier to handwork in or share with classmates you're collaborating with or share other documents at home. Work with your classmates, without being face to face.  Work at your own pace, or simultaneously. Being a student is a tough time for many people, so Microsoft wants to make it easier for you. With Office 2019 Home and Student, you’ll be able to access all of the classic applications that will help you succeed in school and achieve your goals. The upgraded features are designed to help you get through your school assignments faster, easier, and end up with a more polished end product. With one simple download, you’ll have access to the four classic applications, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. These applications are easy to use, and also add convenience to your schoolwork as well. Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for PC Features  Word Create, edit, and share your documents with your coursemates and colleagues. Edit photos hassle-free with the improved Word features. Customize your tab commands to fit your needs. This helps you navigate through your tasks effortlessly. Use “Tell Me” to look up for things you want to be done. Excel Perform better data analysis by using improved formulas and chats. Model your data professionally using the new, improved PowerPivot. Import data from different sources like SQL, Access, web pages using enhanced Power Query. Use 2-D modeling to help visualize your data. PowerPoint Use zoom capabilities to order slides within the presentation.  Insert and manage icons, 3-D models, and SVG. Use Morph and Animation to make your presentation more appealing. Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for PC System requirements Processor: 1.6 GHz (GHz) or faster, 2 cores Memory: 4 GB of RAM; 2 GB RAM (32 bits) Hard disk: 4.0 GB available disk space Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10 (or WDDM 1.3 or higher for Windows 10 Fall Creator Update). Operating System: Windows 10 and newer, Windows Server 2019 Other for requirements: Internet functionality requires an Internet connection. Fees may apply. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality. However, all features and functionality are always available using a keyboard, mouse or other standard or accessible input device. Note that touch features are optimized for use with Windows 10. Product functionality and graphics may vary based on your system configuration. Some features may require additional or advanced hardware or server connectivity. Cloud file management features require OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint. Microsoft account or Microsoft organizational account required for license assignment.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac
€76,95 EUR €124,95 EUR
Save: 38%
Install for 1 device/ 1 person One-time purchase Licensed for home & school use Runs on macOS - three most recent versions  Classic 2019 version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Enjoy Lifetime support Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Office 2019 Are you tired of constantly switching between multiple applications to complete your tasks? Look no further than Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac! This powerful software suite includes all the essential applications you need to increase your productivity, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for macOS systems. With a modern, streamlined interface, you can easily create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Microsoft Office 2019 also offers a range of features designed to optimize your workflow, including real-time collaboration, customizable themes, and advanced formatting options. Comprehensive Tools for Academic Success Whether you're a student or a teacher, Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac has everything you need to succeed academically. With Word, you can create professional-quality essays, reports, and research papers with ease. Excel makes it simple to organize and analyze data, while PowerPoint allows you to create engaging presentations that will captivate your audience. Microsoft Office 2019 also includes OneNote for Mac, an innovative note-taking application that lets you capture your ideas and thoughts in a variety of formats, from text and images to audio and video. Access Your Files Anywhere, Anytime With Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac, you can access your files from anywhere, on any device. Thanks to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud-based storage solution, you can easily save and share your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with others. OneDrive also makes it easy to collaborate in real-time with colleagues or classmates, allowing you to work together on projects from anywhere in the world. And with the ability to sync your files across multiple devices, you can be sure that you always have access to the latest version of your work. Features: What’s Included in Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac The Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac suite includes the following applications: Microsoft Word 2019 for Mac Microsoft Excel 2019 for Mac Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 for Mac Microsoft OneNote 2019 for Mac Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac includes the essential applications you need for your academic and personal work. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote are included in the package, so you can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and notes with ease. With the latest version of Office 2019, you can be sure that you are using the most up-to-date software that includes all the latest features and improvements. Essential Applications: Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, the essential applications for your academic and personal work. Modern Interface: The applications have a modern and streamlined interface with improved usability and accessibility. Real-Time Collaboration: Work together on a document in real-time with other users using the "Co-Authoring" feature, no matter where you are in the world. OneDrive Integration: OneDrive allows you to easily access your files on any device from anywhere, anytime. You can save and share your files on the cloud and collaborate with others. Customizable Themes: Customizable themes provide you with different options to personalize your experience. Advanced Formatting Options: Create professional-looking documents with advanced formatting options such as text effects, shapes, SmartArt graphics, and charts. New and Improved Charts: Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac provides new chart types, including funnel charts, map charts, and 2D maps, to help you visualize data in a new way. Focus Mode: This feature allows you to block out all distractions, making it easier to focus on your work. Translator: The Translator feature allows you to translate words, phrases, or sentences in your document into a different language. Improved Accessibility: Improved accessibility features such as the "Read Aloud" and "Text to Speech" features help users with disabilities work more easily and comfortably. System Requirements These are the minimum requirements for installing Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac. Processor: Intel processor Memory: 4 GB RAM Hard Disk: 10 GB available disk space  Operating System: macOS 12 (Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura & macOS 14 Sonoma) & newer Display: 1280 × 800 screen resolution.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student for Mac
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student for Mac
€95,95 EUR €128,95 EUR
Save: 26%
Xiri ta 'darba għal 1 Mac Appoġġ għall-klijent premium 24/7 Kompatibbli ma' macOS Sonoma, Ventura, u Monterey Verżjonijiet klassiċi tal-2021 tal-Word, Excel, u PowerPoint Investiment tul il-ħajja fit-teknoloġija kreattiva, il-Microsoft Office for Mac 2021 Home & Student huwa s-sede l-ġdida tiegħek ta' quddiem għall-futur tal-innovazzjoni ta' Microsoft. Imħaddma minn intelliġenza artifiċjali, is-suite ta’ produttività l-ġdida twettaq l-impenn kontinwu ta’ Microsoft biex tagħti s-setgħa lil kull utent b’teknoloġija li hija aktar kapaċi, personali u intelliġenti minn qatt qabel. Jekk int intraprenditur, student, jew sid ta' negozji żgħar, għajjien li tħossok li qed tuża applikazzjonijiet skaduti? Aġġorna għall-aħħar u l-aktar għodod innovattivi llum. Ikseb il-verżjoni mtejba tal-applikazzjonijiet favoriti tiegħek b'żidiet ġodda biex tagħmel il-ħajja aktar faċli. Issodisfa lill-klijenti u lill-għalliema billi tkun tista' timpressjonahom f'kull qasam! Skopri Microsoft Office kif qatt ma deher qabel fuq il-kompjuters kollha li joperaw macOS. Jistenna elementi tad-disinn eleganti, prestazzjoni ultra-veloċi, lifting ġdid għad-disinn, u karatteristiċi dejjem aġġornati li jmorru mas-sistema sofistikata tiegħek. Immassimizza l-ħin personali tiegħek issa li għandek aċċess għall-Microsoft Office for Mac 2021 Home & Student. Kull applikazzjoni ssir u tinżamm aġġornata mas-suq kompetittiv tal-lum mill-ġgant ewlieni tas-softwer tal-kompjuter bi storja impressjonanti ta 'innovazzjoni. Id-disinn il-ġdid huwa faċli biex jintuża, u l-integrazzjoni bla xkiel tippermettilek tikkollabora ma' oħrajn aktar faċilment minn qatt qabel. L-apps klassiċi li jiġu mal-Microsoft Office 2021 huma l-verżjonijiet tal-2021 tal-Word, Excel, u PowerPoint għall-Mac. B'liċenzja perpetwu u apps inklużi, qatt ma kien daqshekk faċli li tibda bil-Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office for Mac 2021 Home & Student huwa l-mod perfett biex tibda x-xogħol tiegħek. Jipprovdi l-għodod tan-negozju l-aktar importanti ta' utent, fuq pjattaforma waħda sleek li tiġbor il-kreattività u l-qawwa f'kull aspett! Karatteristiċi Il-verżjoni l-ġdida toffri dak kollu li għandek bżonn mill-ewwel — m'hemmx għalfejn tqatta' sigħat tipprova ssib xi ħaġa f'kull app individwalment jew issib affarijiet aktar tard meta ma jkunux aktar disponibbli. Il-Microsoft Office for Mac 2021 Home & Student huwa tiegħek, u tiegħek għal dejjem. Ejja naraw x'tikseb: Microsoft Word 2021 għall-Mac Is-software għall-ipproċessar tal-kliem li tħobb tuża għall-esejs u d-dokumenti huwa lura, iżda din id-darba huwa aħjar minn qatt qabel. B'karatteristiċi ġodda li jagħmlu l-kitba aktar koeżiva tkun xi tkun l-okkażjoni — kemm jekk xogħol fl-iskola jew proġetti tad-dar — l-app favorita tiegħek ġiet estiża bi tricks cool fil-komma! Ikseb aktar f'inqas ħin minn qatt qabel. L-għodda kollha li għandek bżonn għal kwalunkwe proġett, fuq ponot subgħajk! Uża l-istrixxa "Għidli" biex issib il-karatteristiċi, u poġġihom f'Toolbar ta' Aċċess Mgħaġġel għal aċċess faċli. Modalità Skura mtejba. Żomm l-iskrin faċli fuq għajnejk bil-mod Skur il-ġdid u mtejjeb. Issa, il-paġna tiegħek tiskura wkoll, u tista' tidħol fil-modalità Focus biex tibdel il-kuluri fl-isfond mingħajr distrazzjonijiet. Aqra Aħjar l-ilħna b'Leħen Leħen. Fil-Word 2021 waslu vuċijiet ġodda u mtejba ħafna mit-test għal diskors. Igawdu vuċijiet ta' kwalità għolja u li jinftiehmu biex jgħinuk tifhem id-dokumenti aħjar. Iva, anke jaħdem mal-Line Focus il-ġdid f'Immersive Reader! Kumment magħmul modern. Ebda pop-ups tal-sidebar aktar. Il-kummenti issa huma inline u kuntestwali, bi @mentions u ħafna aktar li ġejjin. Microsoft Excel 2021 għall-Mac Microsoft Excel 2021 hija l-aktar applikazzjoni komprensiva u faċli biex tużah tal-ispreadsheet fis-suq tal-lum. Żid il-ħiliet tiegħek fl-analiżi tad-dejta b'dawn il-karatteristiċi ġodda kollha li saru biss għal nies bħalek! Excel 2021 jestendi l-limiti ta' dak li qabel kien maħsub possibbli. Issa tista' tmur lil hinn mill-ideat u toħloq spreadsheets kumplessi u professjonali b'faċilità! Uża d-dejta tiegħek bis-sħiħ. Analizza l-informazzjoni malajr u faċilment. Nies minn kwalunkwe impjieg jew pajjiż madwar id-dinja jista' jkollhom aċċess għal ħiliet aħjar ta' teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet ibbażati fuq sejbiet mill-ispreadsheets Excel tagħhom! Funzjonijiet ġodda. Funzjonijiet ġodda qawwija jippermettulek timmanipula u taħdem bid-dejta tiegħek b'aktar modi. Funzjonijiet introdotti ġodda jinkludu LET() u XLOOKUP() f'Excel, b'ħafna aktar li ġejjin! Arrays Dinamika. M'hemmx aktar bżonn ta 'formuli twal, messy, u kkumplikati. Dynamic Arrays jagħmel ħajtek aktar faċli billi jġib kalkoli kumplessi f'dawl aħjar li huwa aktar faċli biex tikteb u taħdem magħhom. Titjib fl-istabbiltà u l-prestazzjoni. Il-prestazzjoni mtejba ta 'Excel tagħmel ix-xogħol fuq settijiet kbar aktar faċli minn qatt qabel, grazzi għall-veloċità aktar mgħaġġla tiegħu kemm fil-kalkolu kif ukoll fin-navigazzjoni. Microsoft PowerPoint 2021 għall-Mac PowerPoint 2021 huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ joħolqu preżentazzjonijiet attraenti, u fil-fatt jaqsmuhom b'mod li jġibu aktar attenzjoni minn qabel. Bit-titjib magħmul mill-Microsoft stess kif ukoll karatteristiċi ġodda li qed jiżdiedu — ma tistax tmur ħażin! Kun kreattiv, kun professjonali. L-aħjar preżentazzjonijiet huma dawk fejn tista 'tħalli l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek tgħaddi. PowerPoint 2021 iħallik tagħmel dan, iżda xorta żżomm ton professjonali għal kull xorta ta 'xenarji. Kaptan tas-sengħa. Il-preżentazzjonijiet huma l-aħjar meta jgħaddu minn ħaġa għall-oħra b'mod divertenti. PowerPoint 2021 jippermettilek iżżomm il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek friski u interessanti b'għodod, animazzjonijiet, transizzjonijiet! Daħħal ikoni ġodda u mudelli 3D. Aħdem ma 'librerija estiża ta' ikoni SVG biex tagħmel ix-xogħol tiegħek jispikka mill-bqija! Agħżel bejn dawk iddisinjati professjonalment, jew ittella tiegħek jekk qed tħossok kreattiv. PowerPoint 2021 iġġiegħlek tħossok mismugħ. Issa, il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek jista' jkollhom kuntatt aktar personali mar-rakkont tar-reġistrazzjoni mill-programm innifsu — m'hemmx għalfejn issib sors barrani jew tinvesti ħin biex tirrekordja lilek innifsek f'app separat! Rekwiżiti tas-Sistema  Hawn huma r-rekwiżiti minimi tas-sistema għall-installazzjoni ta' din il-suite. Nirrakkomandaw li taqbeż dawn sabiex tiggarantixxi lilek innifsek esperjenza pjaċevoli b'Office 2021 Home & Student għall-Mac: Proċessur: Kemm Intel u ċippa M1 u kompjuters ċippa M2 huma appoġġjati. Memorja / RAM: 4 GB jew aktar. Hard disk: Minimu ta' 10 GB spazju disponibbli fuq hard disk; Format HFS + hard disk. Sistema Operattiva: macOS 12 (Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura & macOS 14 Sonoma) & aktar ġodda. Waħda miż-żewġ rilaxxi ta' macOS attwali jew tal-passat trid tkun installata u użata Office 2021 għall-Mac. Rekwiżiti oħra: Il-funzjonalità tal-Internet teħtieġ konnessjoni tal-internet. Jista' jkun meħtieġ kont tal-Microsoft. Huwa meħtieġ apparat li juża l-mess biex juża kwalunkwe funzjonalità multitouch. Il-funzjonalità u l-grafika tal-applikazzjonijiet inklużi jistgħu jvarjaw skont is-sistema tiegħek. Agħżel l-Aħjar Uffiċċju għalik Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student għall-Mac huwa perfett għal studenti ta' kull tip, kif ukoll sidien ta' negozji żgħar u intraprendituri li jixtiequ jieħdu l-bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata fuq livell aktar personali. Bil-karatteristiċi kbar tagħha li qatt mhu se jħalluk lura fil-klassi jew fuq l-iskrivanija tiegħek mingħajr għajnuna, m'hemm l-ebda raġuni għalfejn kulħadd m'għandux ikollu din il-suite fuq il-Mac tagħhom!  Il-ftehim tal-Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student for Mac huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ jużaw l-essenzjali b'mod affordabbli. Int ser ikollok aċċess tul il-ħajja, u l-aħħar karatteristiċi kollha mingħajr ma jkollok ħlasijiet mensili jew annwali mehmuża! Naturalment, din l-edizzjoni tiġi b'xi restrizzjonijiet, għalhekk kun żgur li tifhem x'inhuma qabel tieħu deċiżjoni dwar jekk hijiex l-għażla t-tajba għall-bżonnijiet tiegħek. Jekk l-iffrankar tal-flus mhuwiex wieħed minnhom, allura nissuġġerixxu li tiċċekkja l-offerti l-oħra tagħna wkoll, bħal Office 2021 Professional.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student (PC) box
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student (PC)
€95,95 EUR €128,95 EUR
Save: 26%
Xiri ta 'darba għal 1 PC Appoġġ għall-klijent premium 24/7 Kompatibbli mal-Windows 11 u Windows 10 Verżjonijiet klassiċi tal-2021 tal-Word, Excel, u PowerPoint Investiment tul il-ħajja fit-teknoloġija kreattiva, Office 2021 Home & Student huwa s-sede l-ġdida tiegħek ta' quddiem għall-futur tal-innovazzjoni ta' Microsoft. Imħaddma minn intelliġenza artifiċjali, is-suite ta’ produttività l-ġdida twettaq l-impenn kontinwu ta’ Microsoft li tagħti s-setgħa lil kull utent b’teknoloġija aktar kapaċi, personali u intelliġenti minn qatt qabel. Jekk int intraprenditur, student, jew sid ta' negozji żgħar, għajjien li tħossok li qed tuża applikazzjonijiet skaduti? Aġġorna għall-aħħar għodod u l-aktar innovattivi llum! Ikseb il-verżjoni mtejba tal-applikazzjonijiet favoriti tiegħek b'żidiet innovattivi ġodda biex tagħmel il-ħajja aktar faċli. Issodisfa lill-klijenti u lill-għalliema billi tkun tista' timpressjonahom f'kull qasam! Skopri Microsoft Office kif qatt ma deher qabel fuq il-kompjuters personali kollha bbażati fuq Windows. Jistenna elementi tad-disinn eleganti, prestazzjoni ultra-veloċi, lifting ġdid għad-disinn, u karatteristiċi dejjem aġġornati mingħajr ma titlifhom minħabba spejjeż, abbonamenti jew disponibbiltà. Immassimizza l-ħin personali tiegħek issa li għandek aċċess għal Office 2021 Home & Student fuq il-PC tiegħek jew Mac, u anke fuq tablets ibbażati fuq Windows! Kull applikazzjoni ssir u tinżamm aġġornata mas-suq kompetittiv tal-lum mill-ġgant ewlieni tas-softwer tal-kompjuter bi storja impressjonanti ta’ innovazzjoni. Id-disinn il-ġdid huwa faċli biex jintuża, u l-integrazzjoni bla xkiel tippermettilek tikkollabora ma' oħrajn aktar faċilment minn qatt qabel. L-apps klassiċi li jiġu mal-Microsoft Office 2021 huma Word, Excel u PowerPoint. B'liċenzja perpetwu u apps inklużi, qatt ma kien faċli li tibda b'Microsoft Office. Ikseb iċ-ċavetta tal-prodott tiegħek illum u installa fuq PC jew Mac wieħed. Karatteristiċi Office Home & Student 2021 huwa magħmul għall-ġenerazzjoni li tieħu xogħolhom bis-serjetà. Mhuwiex biss suite ta 'produttività, huwa armament ta' kreattività. Tagħbija fuq għodod b'saħħithom bil-bidu u tibda l-ħidma aktar malajr minn qatt qabel! Il-verżjonijiet aġġornati tal-2021 tal-Microsoft Word, Excel, u PowerPoint huma kollha inklużi fis-suite l-ġdida tal-Uffiċċju Dar u Student 2021 Dar u Studenti.  Microsoft Word 2021 Is-software għall-ipproċessar tal-kliem li tħobb tuża għal esejs u dokumenti reġa' lura, iżda din id-darba huwa aħjar minn qatt qabel. B'karatteristiċi ġodda li jagħmlu l-kitba aktar koeżiva tkun xi tkun l-okkażjoni — kemm jekk xogħol fl-iskola jew proġetti tad-dar — l-app favorita tiegħek ġiet estiża bi tricks cool fil-komma! Oħloq u aqsam dokumenti professjonali billi tuża teknoloġiji moderni ta' editjar, reviżjoni u distribuzzjoni. Il-menu tad-disinn jippermetti aċċess rapidu għall-funzjonalità filwaqt li Smart Search jipprovdi informazzjoni kuntestwali direttament fil-Word. Ikseb aktar f'inqas ħin minn qatt qabel. L-għodda kollha li għandek bżonn għal kwalunkwe proġett, fuq ponot subgħajk! Uża l-istrixxa "Għidli" biex issib il-karatteristiċi, u poġġihom f'Toolbar ta' Aċċess Mgħaġġel għal aċċess faċli. Modalità Skura mtejba. Il-mod Skur il-ġdid u mtejjeb iżomm l-iskrin faċli fuq għajnejk. Issa, il-paġna tiegħek tiskura wkoll, u tista' tidħol fil-modalità Focus biex tibdel il-kuluri fl-isfond mingħajr distrazzjonijiet. Aqra Aħjar l-ilħna b'Leħen Leħen. Fil-Word 2021 waslu vuċijiet ġodda u mtejba ħafna mit-test għal diskors. Igawdu vuċijiet ta' kwalità għolja u li jinftiehmu biex jgħinuk tifhem id-dokumenti aħjar. Iva, anke jaħdem mal-Line Focus il-ġdid f'Immersive Reader! Kumment magħmul modern. Ebda pop-ups tal-sidebar aktar. Il-kummenti issa huma inline u kuntestwali, bi @mentions u ħafna aktar li ġejjin. Ittrasforma d-dokument tiegħek f'websajt. Microsoft Sway jippermettilek li toħloq paġna web f'klikk waħda mid-dokument Word tiegħek. Agħżel minn għażliet ta' tqassim differenti, animazzjonijiet, u agħmel edits f'Sway. Microsoft Excel 2021 Microsoft Excel 2021 hija l-aktar applikazzjoni komprensiva u faċli biex tużaha tal-ispreadsheet fis-suq tal-lum. Żid il-ħiliet tiegħek fl-analiżi tad-dejta b'dawn il-karatteristiċi ġodda kollha li saru biss għal nies bħalek! Excel 2021 jestendi l-limiti ta' dak li qabel kien maħsub possibbli. Issa tista' tmur lil hinn mill-ideat u toħloq spreadsheets kumplessi u professjonali b'faċilità! Analizza d-dejta tiegħek billi tuża l-interface l-ġdida u s-shortcuts tat-tastiera favoriti tiegħek. Uża għodod analitiċi bħal Slicer u Formula Builder biex tnaqqas il-ħin u tikkonċentra aktar fuq ir-riċerka tiegħek. Uża d-dejta tiegħek bis-sħiħ. Analizza l-informazzjoni malajr u faċilment. Nies minn kwalunkwe impjieg jew pajjiż madwar id-dinja jista' jkollhom aċċess għal ħiliet aħjar ta' teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet ibbażati fuq sejbiet mill-ispreadsheets Excel tagħhom! Funzjonijiet ġodda. Funzjonijiet ġodda qawwija jippermettulek timmanipula u taħdem bid-dejta tiegħek b'aktar modi. Funzjonijiet introdotti ġodda jinkludu LET() u XLOOKUP() f'Excel, b'ħafna aktar li ġejjin! Titjib fl-istabbiltà u l-prestazzjoni. Il-prestazzjoni mtejba ta 'Excel tagħmel ix-xogħol fuq settijiet kbar aktar faċli minn qatt qabel, grazzi għall-veloċità aktar mgħaġġla tiegħu kemm fil-kalkolu kif ukoll fin-navigazzjoni. Microsoft PowerPoint 2021 PowerPoint 2021 huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ joħolqu preżentazzjonijiet ingaġġanti u fil-fatt jaqsmuhom b'mod li jieħu aktar attenzjoni minn qabel. Bit-titjib magħmul mill-Microsoft stess kif ukoll karatteristiċi ġodda li qed jiżdiedu — ma tistax tmur ħażin! Oħloq u kkomunika l-ideat tiegħek b'mod effettiv billi tuża slides ġodda u panewijiet imkabbra tal-kompiti ta' animazzjoni. Il-kummenti dwar il-preżentazzjoni tiegħek se jkunu inklużi fis-slajds tiegħek. Kun kreattiv, kun professjonali. L-aħjar preżentazzjonijiet huma dawk fejn tista 'tħalli l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek tgħaddi. PowerPoint 2021 iħallik tagħmel dan, iżda xorta żżomm ton professjonali għal kull xorta ta 'xenarji. Kaptan tas-sengħa. Il-preżentazzjonijiet huma l-aħjar meta jgħaddu minn ħaġa għall-oħra b'mod divertenti. PowerPoint 2021 jippermettilek iżżomm il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek friski u interessanti b'għodod, animazzjonijiet, transizzjonijiet! Daħħal ikoni ġodda u mudelli 3D. Aħdem ma 'librerija estiża ta' ikoni SVG biex tagħmel ix-xogħol tiegħek jispikka mill-bqija! Agħżel bejn dawk iddisinjati professjonalment, jew ittella tiegħek jekk qed tħossok kreattiv. PowerPoint 2021 iġġiegħlek tħossok mismugħ. Issa, il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek jista' jkollhom kuntatt aktar personali mar-rakkont tar-reġistrazzjoni mill-programm innifsu — m'hemmx għalfejn issib sors barrani jew tinvesti ħin biex tirrekordja lilek innifsek f'app separat! Agħżel l-Aħjar Uffiċċju għalik Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student huwa perfett għal studenti ta' kull tip, kif ukoll sidien ta' negozji żgħar u intraprendituri li jixtiequ jieħdu l-bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata fuq livell aktar personali. Bil-karatteristiċi kbar tagħha li qatt mhu se jħalluk lura fil-klassi jew fuq l-iskrivanija tiegħek mingħajr għajnuna, m'hemm l-ebda raġuni għalfejn kulħadd m'għandux ikollu din is-suite fuq il-PC tagħhom!  Il-ftehim tad-Dar u l-Istudenti tal-Microsoft Office 2021 huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ jużaw l-essenzjali b'mod affordabbli. Int ser ikollok aċċess tul il-ħajja, u l-aħħar karatteristiċi kollha mingħajr ma jkollok ħlasijiet mensili jew annwali mehmuża! Naturalment, din l-edizzjoni tiġi b'xi restrizzjonijiet, għalhekk kun żgur li tifhem x'inhuma qabel tieħu deċiżjoni dwar jekk hijiex l-għażla t-tajba għall-bżonnijiet tiegħek. Jekk l-iffrankar tal-flus mhuwiex wieħed minnhom, nissuġġerixxu li tiċċekkja l-offerti l-oħra tagħna, bħal Office 2021 Professional. Tfittex ir-rilaxx tal-Mac? Ikklikkja hawn! Ikseb Għajnuna Minna wara li tixtri l-Uffiċċju 2021 tad-Dar u l-Istudent Int ħaqqha esperjenza ta' softwer li tkun mill-aqwa, u aħna qegħdin hawn għalik. L-esperti tagħna jistgħu jgħinu f'xi ħaġa! Ikkuntattja ma' l-esperti tagħna li huma lesti 24 ta' ġurnata għal kull sitwazzjoni, hi kemm tkun kbira jew żgħira! Għal servizz għall-konsumatur personalizzat tal-Microsoft Office 2021 mingħajr tbatija, ikkuntattjana fis-sigħat kollha 24/7 permezz tat-telefon, email, jew chat u ikseb il-paċi tal-moħħ li l-bżonnijiet tiegħek jiġu sodisfatti minn nies li jimpurtahom minnek. M'għandekx għalfejn tittratta ma' appoġġ baxx mill-kumpaniji — għandek l-aqwa tim hawn f'Software Żomm tistenna fuq telefonata meta l-affarijiet imorru ħażin! X'inhu? Office 2021 huwa l-aħħar verżjoni tas-software tad-desktop l-aktar famuż ta' Microsoft. Il-programm joffri applikazzjonijiet favoriti u offerti ġodda bħal Timijiet u Word u varjetà wiesgħa ta 'applikazzjonijiet oħra għall-Mac. Filwaqt li l-isfida għall-ispazju tax-xogħol ta’ Google qed issir aktar ħarxa, il-Microsoft Office jibqa’ magħruf bħala l-aktar prodott b’saħħtu ta’ softwer ta’ produttività disponibbli. Benefiċċji Ewlenin L-għodda meħtieġa għal kollox. Office Home and Student 2121 huwa għal studenti u familji li jeħtieġu pakkett standard tas-softwer tal-uffiċċju, bħal Excel għall-Windows 10 jew Mac OS X 10. Xiri ta' darba huma installati fuq kompjuter 1 jew Macbook biex jintużaw id-dar jew fl-iskola. Huwa Outlook inkluż fil-Microsoft Office Home and Student 2021? Le. Office Home & Student 2021 għandu l-verżjoni klassika ta’ apps bħal Word, Excel u PowerPoint. Microsoft Office Home and Student 2021 jaħdem fuq Windows 10? Iva. Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Student jaħdem fuq Windows 11, Windows 10, jew l-aħħar verżjoni macOS. Rekwiżiti tas-Sistema  Hawn huma r-rekwiżiti minimi tas-sistema għall-installazzjoni ta' din il-suite. Nirrakkomandaw li taqbeż dawn sabiex tiggarantixxi lilek innifsek esperjenza pjaċevoli b'Office 2021 Home & Student: Proċessur: 1.6 GHz jew aktar mgħaġġel, proċessur 2-core. Memorja / RAM: 4 GB jew aktar għal 64-bit; 2 GB jew aktar għal sistemi bbażati fuq 32-bit. Hard disk: Minimu ta' 4GB ta' spazju fuq hard disk disponibbli huwa meħtieġ fuq il-harddrive tal-installazzjoni. Sistema Operattiva: Windows 10 jew Windows 11 huma meħtieġa għal Office 2021. Grafika: L-aċċelerazzjoni tal-ħardwer tal-grafika teħtieġ DirectX 9 jew aktar tard, b'WDDM 2.0 jew ogħla fuq Windows 10. Verżjoni NET: Xi karatteristiċi jistgħu jeħtieġu .NET 3.5 jew 4.6 u ogħla biex jiġu installati wkoll. Rekwiżiti oħra: Il-funzjonalità tal-Internet teħtieġ konnessjoni tal-internet. Jista' jkun meħtieġ kont tal-Microsoft. Huwa meħtieġ apparat li juża l-mess biex juża kwalunkwe funzjonalità multitouch. Il-funzjonalità u l-grafika tal-applikazzjonijiet inklużi jistgħu jvarjaw skont is-sistema tiegħek.
SoftwareKeep Software Add a Usb Software Backup.
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Need to keep your favorite programs safe? Our USB backup software has got you covered. With it, you can save all your key apps, even Microsoft Office, on a USB. It's like a safety net for your software! You can use it on both Windows 10 and 11, which makes backing up a breeze. No need to worry about losing your work or games again. It's a match for home or the office, making sure your files follow you anywhere. Plus, we'll ship this handy helper straight to your door, separate purchase, easy as pie! How cool is that? - Easy-to-use USB backup software for secure file storage- Reliable USB drive backup software ensures your data's safety- Comprehensive backup software solutions for your important documents- Designed for both office and Windows USB backup compatibility- Fully supports Windows 10 & 11 USB backup processes- Simplifies Microsoft Office USB backup for document preservation    
Microsoft Software Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
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€84,95 EUR €160,95 EUR
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Install on 1 device Instant digital download Lifetime license Windows 11 Pro is the classic version of Windows 11- with professional features for pro users. It is packed everything you need into one powerful system.  Enjoy the new rejuvenated Start menu in Windows 11 Pro and other new ways to start your PC. connect to your favorite people using Team, get news updates, play games, and get verified content with Microsoft Edge. Windows 11 Pro is the place to think, express, and create in a pro way. Start Menu Modification in Windows 11 Pro edition offers a fresh iteration. This presents a list of places and other options visible in the middle, and applications represented by tiles are present on the right. Moreover, the menu can be resized, and even expanded into a full-screen display.  Get a fresh perspective with the new User interface in Windows 11. Windows 11 Pro provides a calm and creative space where you can pursue your passions through a fresh experience.  You will also maximize your productivity with Window 11 Pro, through access to all the apps you need -- including Android apps. Multi-task with ease using tools like Snap layouts, Virtual (Remote) Desktops, and a new, more intuitive redocking experience. Use Microsoft Teams in Windows 11 Pro to connect in a fresh way. Teams replace the long-favored Skype to helps you connect instantly to the people you care about right from your desktop with Microsoft Teams. Call or chat for free—no matter what device they’re on. Get your content, curated by you with Microsoft Edge and a multitude of Widgets you can choose from in Windows 11 Pro. you can quickly stay up to date with the news, information, and entertainment that matters most to you.  Easily find the apps you need and the shows you love to watch in the new Microsoft Store. Also, run Android Apps in Windows 11 Pro via Intel Bridge tech or download them from Microsoft Store. Windows 11 Pro takes gaming to a whole new level with graphic capabilities that rival reality. Discover your next favorite game with Xbox Game Pass, giving you access to over 100 high-quality games (membership sold separately). Buy Windows 11 Home at SoftwareKeep today and enjoy the amazing benefits of the next-gen Operating System.  Features The following are the notable features of Windows 11 Pro:  Microsoft Store Download Windows apps for your Windows tablet or computer. Browse thousands of free and paid apps by category, read user reviews, and compare ratings. Microsoft Teams Get Teams integrated directly into the Windows 11 Taskbar, making it easier to access. You'll be able to access Teams from Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS.  Xbox Game Pass better gaming Windows 11 Pro now has certain features found in Xbox consoles, like Auto HDR and DirectStorage, to improve gaming on your Windows PC. Remote (Virtual) desktop support (Client only) Windows 11 lets you set up virtual desktops to allow you to toggle between multiple desktops for personal, work, school, or gaming use. Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection lets you remotely connect to another PC from anywhere. It’s disabled by default in Windows 11. Windows Hello Sign in to your Microsoft account with Windows Hello. Windows 11 Pro now allows you to sign in to your device on the lock screen and sign in to your account on the web using Windows Hello. Device encryption Windows 11 Pro has Device Encryption. Windows device encryption is a security feature in Microsoft Windows that helps protect your data by encrypting the system drive. If device encryption is enabled, only authorized individuals can access your device and data. Firewall and network protection Feel protected and stay safe. Included in Windows 11 Pro, Firewall & network protection in Windows Security lets you view the status of Microsoft Defender Firewall and see what networks your device is connected to.  Internet protection Security is a big part of Windows 11 Pro, but so is delivering productivity and a good experience with all the security features turned on. This is why Internet Protection is included in the system to protect you from Internet-related attacks. Parental controls/protection Privacy starts with putting you in control. You should have the tools and information to make informed choices. You can manage your data saved to the cloud. Secure Boot Secure Boot is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). When the PC starts, the firmware checks the signature of each piece of boot software, including UEFI firmware drivers (also known as Option ROMs), EFI applications, and the operating system. If the signatures are valid, the PC boots and the firmware gives control to the operating system. Windows Defender Antivirus In Windows 11 Pro, there’s Windows Security App and Microsoft Defender Antivirus program to keep you safe -- Protect your data and devices. Snap Groups and Snap Layouts These are collections of the apps you're using at once that sit in the Taskbar and can come up or be minimized at the same time for easier task switching. Isn’t Windows 11 Pro Great?  They also let you plug and unplug from a monitor more easily without losing where your open windows are located.  Other notable features of Windows 11 Pro are Set up with a local account Join Active Directory/Azure AD Hyper-V Windows Sandbox BitLocker device encryption Windows Information Protection Mobile device management (MDM) Group Policy Enterprise State Roaming with Azure Assigned Access Dynamic Provisioning Windows Update for Business Kiosk mode System Requirements of Windows 11 Pro  The minimum system requirements of Windows 11 Pro include:  Note: If you are unsure whether your PC meets these requirements, you can check with your PC Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or, if your device is already running Windows 10, you can use the PC Health Check app to assess compatibility. Processor: 1GHz (gigahertz ) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC) Memory (RAM): 4GB (gigabyte ) Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0 Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver Display: High definition (720p) display that is greater than 9” diagonally, 8 bits per color channel Internet connection and Microsoft accounts: Windows 11 Pro requires internet connectivity and a Microsoft account to complete device setup on first use. **For all Windows 11 editions, internet access is required to perform updates and to download and take advantage of some features. A Microsoft account is required for some features.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Windows 10 Home Edition (64-bit)
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Install on 1 device (64-bit only) Instant digital download Lifetime license Introduction: One-Stop Operating System for the Modern Population Microsoft Windows operating systems have always enjoyed the preference of being the trustworthy option for offering comfortable & smooth personal computer operations. Windows 10 being the latest addition to the world of Microsoft is equipped with several interesting features which have indeed revolutionized its league. Microsoft Windows 10 Home edition 64-bit introduces a whole bunch of "universal apps"; growing on Metro-style apps. Hence, these apps can be designed to function across multiple Microsoft product families with closely related identical code?—?including tablets, PCs, smartphones, Xbox One, embedded systems, Surface Hub and Mixed Reality. This is only a share of what this operating system can offer to the users in the most quickest and hassle-free manner. Not the right Windows 10 product you were looking for? Check out our selection of additional Microsoft Windows 10 software today. Features  The familiar Start Menu is back in Windows 10, providing quick access to the various functions and files that you use most. Also, it gives you the space to personalize your PC with favorite apps, people, programs, and websites. The apps from Windows Store now open in the same format as desktop programs. You can customize, resize, and move around with title bars at the top by allowing users to minimize, maximize, and close just with a click.  Features New Task view button, which allows you to open all files and apps from one view. It also allows quick switching and one-touch access to various desktops you create. Use Microsoft Edge, one of the fastest and safe browsers optimized for the modern web. Edge is compatible with legacy sites and apps.  Create, modify, and open lists using Cortana. As your secretary, it helps notify you about appointments and deadlines by syncing your group calendar. Has in-built virus protection, Windows Defender protects your devices from various threats using different processes to identify and block ransomware. Besides, it has automatically updated to ensure that you have completed and ongoing protection against current and future threats.  Use facial or fingerprint recognition to Sign in your PC. It is 3 times faster than using passwords with an option to retain a PIN as a backup plan.  Windows 10 System Requirements Here's what it takes to upgrade to Windows 10 on your PC or tablet: Latest OS: Make sure you're running the latest version—either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update.  Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit Hard disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver Display: 800 x 600
Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Business
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Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Business
€140,95 EUR €200,95 EUR
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Xiri ta 'darba għal 1 PC Appoġġ għall-klijent premium 24/7 Kompatibbli mal-Windows 11 u Windows 10 Verżjonijiet klassiċi tal-2021 ta' Word, Excel, PowerPoint, u Outlook Office 2021 huwa s-soluzzjoni perfetta għan-negozji ż-żgħar li qed ifittxu li jiffrankaw il-ħin u l-flus għall-ħtiġijiet tal-uffiċċju tagħhom, b'karatteristiċi mfassla speċifikament għall-intraprendituri. Din l-edizzjoni l-ġdida tal-Microsoft Office ġiet żviluppata minn eżekuttivi tal-kumpanija familjari ma’ dak li hemm bżonn biex tippossjedi n-negozju tiegħek stess — tgħinek tissimplifika l-kompiti bħall-iffatturar jew l-iskedar ta’ laqgħat filwaqt li xorta tipprovdi l-programmi tas-softwer ewlenin kollha bħal Word u Excel , li huma meħtieġa fi kwalunkwe ambjent tax-xogħol modern. Office 2021 joffri mod tajjeb ħafna biex ikollok aċċess għall-għodod tiegħek minn kullimkien fid-dinja. Bl-edizzjoni Home & Business ta' Office 2021 tista' taħdem b'mod aktar effiċjenti minn qatt qabel: Disinn ġdid u aktar aċċessibbli għall-apps kollha tal-Uffiċċju favoriti tiegħek. Igawdu l-interface ibbażata fuq żigarella miġjuba lilek f'dawl ġdid, b'appoġġ qawwi tal-mod skur u aktar! L-ebda abbonament meħtieġ — b'xiri wieħed, inti tiftaħ kull softwer li qatt ikollok bżonn biex tibni pedament affidabbli għan-negozju tiegħek. Ibqa' konness u aqsam il-fajls tiegħek b'faċilità. Office 2021 tagħmillek ħajtek aktar faċli b'aktar għażliet ta' kondiviżjoni u aċċessibbiltà minn qatt qabel. Is-suite l-ġdida ta' l-Uffiċċju żgur ta' min jipprova jekk trid issib suċċess fis-suq kompetittiv tal-lum! Jekk tirċievi dawn l-applikazzjonijiet aġġornati għal ħlas ta’ darba, tippermettilek tgawdi l-esperjenza klassika tal-użu ta’ Word, Excel u PowerPoint flimkien ma’ apps aktar iffukati fuq in-negozju bħal Outlook. Is-suite ta' Office 2021 tiġi wkoll b'ħafna karatteristiċi addizzjonali li jgħinu biex jiffrankaw il-ħin meta taħdem fuq il-proġett jew il-preżentazzjoni tiegħek li jmiss — titlifx din l-opportunità! Karatteristiċi tad-Dar u tan-Negozju tal-Uffiċċju 2021  Is-suite ta' produttività tad-Dar u tan-Negozju ta' Office 2021 hija l-għodda perfetta għal kwalunkwe negozju li jeħtieġ li jibqa' fuq nett tal-logħba tiegħu. B'firxa wiesgħa ta' karatteristiċi u għażliet ġodda, l-apps ta' Microsoft inklużi se jagħmlu x-xogħol tal-uffiċċju tiegħek aktar effiċjenti minn qatt qabel! Microsoft Word 2021 Is-software għall-ipproċessar tal-kliem li tħobb tuża għal esejs u dokumenti reġa', iżda din id-darba huwa aħjar minn qatt qabel. B'karatteristiċi ġodda li jagħmlu l-kitba aktar koeżiva tkun xi tkun l-okkażjoni — kemm jekk xogħol fl-iskola jew proġetti fid-dar — l-app favorita tiegħek ġiet estiża bi tricks cool fil-komma! Ikseb aktar f'inqas ħin minn qatt qabel. L-għodda kollha li għandek bżonn għal kwalunkwe proġett, fuq ponot subgħajk! Uża l-istrixxa "Għidli" biex issib il-karatteristiċi, u poġġihom f'Toolbar ta' Aċċess Mgħaġġel għal aċċess faċli. Modalità Skura mtejba. Żomm l-iskrin faċli fuq għajnejk bil-mod Skur il-ġdid u mtejjeb. Issa, il-paġna tiegħek tiskura wkoll, u tista' tidħol fil-modalità Focus biex tibdel il-kuluri fl-isfond mingħajr distrazzjonijiet. Aqra Aħjar l-ilħna b'Leħen Leħen. Il-vuċijiet ġodda u mtejba ħafna mit-test għal diskors waslu fil-Word 2021. Igawdu vuċijiet ta' kwalità għolja u li jinftiehmu biex jgħinuk tifhem id-dokumenti aħjar. Iva, anke jaħdem mal-Line Focus il-ġdid f'Immersive Reader! Kumment magħmul modern. Ebda pop-ups tal-sidebar aktar. Il-kummenti issa huma inline u kuntestwali, bi @mentions u ħafna aktar li ġejjin. Ittrasforma d-dokument tiegħek f'websajt. Microsoft Sway jippermettilek li toħloq paġna web f'klikk waħda mid-dokument Word tiegħek. Agħżel minn għażliet ta' tqassim differenti, animazzjonijiet, u agħmel edits f'Sway. Microsoft Excel 2021 Microsoft Excel 2021 huwa l-aktar applikazzjoni komprensiva u faċli biex tużah tal-ispreadsheet fis-suq tal-lum. Żid il-ħiliet tiegħek fl-analiżi tad-dejta b'dawn il-karatteristiċi ġodda kollha li saru biss għal nies bħalek! Excel 2021 jestendi l-limiti ta' dak li qabel kien maħsub possibbli. Issa tista' tmur lil hinn mill-ideat u toħloq spreadsheets kumplessi u professjonali b'faċilità! Uża d-dejta tiegħek bis-sħiħ. Analizza l-informazzjoni malajr u faċilment. Nies minn kwalunkwe impjieg jew pajjiż madwar id-dinja jista' jkollhom aċċess għal ħiliet aħjar ta' teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet ibbażati fuq sejbiet mill-ispreadsheets Excel tagħhom! Funzjonijiet ġodda. Funzjonijiet ġodda qawwija jippermettulek timmanipula u taħdem bid-dejta tiegħek b'aktar modi. Funzjonijiet introdotti ġodda jinkludu LET() u XLOOKUP() f'Excel, b'ħafna aktar li ġejjin! Titjib fl-istabbiltà u l-prestazzjoni. Il-prestazzjoni mtejba ta 'Excel tagħmel ix-xogħol fuq settijiet kbar aktar faċli minn qatt qabel, grazzi għall-veloċità aktar mgħaġġla tiegħu kemm fil-kalkolu kif ukoll fin-navigazzjoni. Microsoft PowerPoint 2021 PowerPoint 2021 huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ joħolqu preżentazzjonijiet attraenti u fil-fatt jaqsmuhom b'mod li jġib aktar attenzjoni minn qabel. Bit-titjib magħmul mill-Microsoft stess kif ukoll karatteristiċi ġodda li qed jiżdiedu — ma tistax tmur ħażin! Kun kreattiv, kun professjonali. L-aħjar preżentazzjonijiet huma dawk fejn tista 'tħalli l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek tgħaddi. PowerPoint 2021 iħallik tagħmel dan, iżda xorta żżomm ton professjonali għal kull xorta ta 'xenarji. Kaptan tas-sengħa. Il-preżentazzjonijiet huma l-aħjar meta jgħaddu minn ħaġa għall-oħra b'mod divertenti. PowerPoint 2021 jippermettilek iżżomm il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek friski u interessanti b'għodod, animazzjonijiet, tranżizzjonijiet! Daħħal ikoni ġodda u mudelli 3D. Aħdem ma 'librerija estiża ta' ikoni SVG biex tagħmel ix-xogħol tiegħek jispikka mill-bqija! Agħżel bejn dawk iddisinjati professjonalment, jew ittella tiegħek jekk qed tħossok kreattiv. PowerPoint 2021 iġġiegħlek tħossok mismugħ. Issa, il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek jista' jkollhom kuntatt aktar personali fir-reġistrazzjoni tan-narrazzjoni mill-programm innifsu — m'hemmx għalfejn issib sors barrani jew tinvesti ħin biex tirrekordja lilek innifsek f'app separat! Microsoft Outlook 2021 Iffukat. Organizzata. Jirrispondi. L-emails huma s-sinsla ta' negozju ta' suċċess. Trid tkun tista' tara minnhom b'mod ċar, u jkollok aċċess anke meta tkun fuq il-go! Outlook 2021 itejjeb l-aspetti kollha tal-email inklużi l-ifformattjar, il-kuntatti u l-annessi. Huwa eħfef minn qatt qabel għalik jew għall-organizzazzjoni tiegħek li tilħaq klijenti jew kollegi b'Outlook 2021 f'idejk. Tinsewx ukoll dwar l-ippjanar tal-laqgħat! Outlook jista' jgħinek tippjana laqgħat personalment u onlajn permezz ta' Skype għan-Negozju. Imla l-kalendarju tiegħek b'avvenimenti, skadenzi u aktar li ġejjin minn ġewwa applikazzjoni waħda sempliċi. Rekwiżiti tas-Sistema tad-Dar u tan-Negozju tal-Uffiċċju 2021 Hawn huma r-rekwiżiti minimi tas-sistema għall-installazzjoni ta' din il-suite. Nirrakkomandaw li taqbeż dawn sabiex tiggarantixxi lilek innifsek esperjenza pjaċevoli b'Office 2021 Home & Business: Proċessur: 1.6 GHz jew aktar mgħaġġel, proċessur 2-core. Memorja / RAM: 4 GB jew aktar għal 64-bit; 2 GB jew aktar għal sistemi bbażati fuq 32-bit. Hard disk: Minimu ta' 4GB ta' spazju fuq hard disk disponibbli huwa meħtieġ fuq il-harddrive tal-installazzjoni. Sistema Operattiva: Windows 10 jew Windows 11 huma meħtieġa għal Office 2021. Grafika: L-aċċelerazzjoni tal-ħardwer tal-grafika teħtieġ DirectX 9 jew aktar tard, b'WDDM 2.0 jew ogħla fuq Windows 10. Verżjoni NET: Xi karatteristiċi jistgħu jeħtieġu .NET 3.5 jew 4.6 u ogħla biex jiġu installati wkoll. Rekwiżiti oħra: Il-funzjonalità tal-Internet teħtieġ konnessjoni tal-internet. Jista' jkun meħtieġ kont tal-Microsoft. Huwa meħtieġ apparat li juża l-mess biex juża kwalunkwe funzjonalità multitouch. Il-funzjonalità u l-grafika tal-applikazzjonijiet inklużi jistgħu jvarjaw skont is-sistema tiegħek.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Business (Mac)
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
  • Icons Apps
Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Business (Mac)
€128,95 EUR €200,95 EUR
Save: 36%
Xiri ta 'darba għal 1 Mac Appoġġ għall-klijent premium 24/7 Kompatibbli ma' macOS Sonoma, Ventura, u Monterey Verżjonijiet klassiċi tal-2021 ta' Word, Excel, PowerPoint, u Outlook Office 2021 Home and Business għall-Mac hija s-soluzzjoni perfetta għan-negozji ż-żgħar li qed ifittxu li jiffrankaw ħin u flus għall-ħtiġijiet tal-uffiċċju tagħhom, b'karatteristiċi mfassla speċifikament għall-intraprendituri. Din l-edizzjoni l-ġdida tal-Microsoft Office ġiet żviluppata minn eżekuttivi tal-kumpanija familjari ma’ dak li hemm bżonn biex tippossjedi n-negozju tiegħek stess — tgħinek tissimplifika l-kompiti bħall-iffatturar jew l-iskedar ta’ laqgħat filwaqt li xorta tipprovdi l-programmi tas-softwer ewlenin kollha bħal Word u Excel , li huma meħtieġa fi kwalunkwe ambjent tax-xogħol ta 'ġurnata moderna. Office 2021 joffri mod tajjeb ħafna biex ikollok aċċess għall-għodod tiegħek minn kullimkien fid-dinja. Bl-edizzjoni Home & Business ta' Office 2021 tista' taħdem b'mod aktar effiċjenti minn qatt qabel: Disinn ġdid u aktar aċċessibbli għall-apps kollha tal-Uffiċċju favoriti tiegħek. Igawdu l-interface ibbażata fuq żigarella miġjuba lilek f'dawl ġdid, b'appoġġ qawwi tal-mod skur u aktar! L-ebda abbonament meħtieġ — b'xiri wieħed, inti tiftaħ kull softwer li qatt ikollok bżonn biex tibni pedament affidabbli għan-negozju tiegħek. Ibqa' konness u aqsam il-fajls tiegħek b'faċilità. Office 2021 tagħmillek ħajtek aktar faċli b'aktar għażliet ta' kondiviżjoni u aċċessibbiltà minn qatt qabel. Is-suite l-ġdida ta' l-Uffiċċju żgur ta' min jipprova jekk trid issib suċċess fis-suq kompetittiv tal-lum! Li tirċievi dawn l-applikazzjonijiet aġġornati bi ħlas ta’ darba jippermettilek li tgawdi l-esperjenza klassika tal-użu ta’ Word, Excel u PowerPoint flimkien ma’ apps aktar iffukati fuq in-negozju bħall-Outlook. Is-suite ta' Office 2021 tiġi wkoll b'ħafna karatteristiċi addizzjonali li jgħinu biex jiffrankaw il-ħin meta taħdem fuq il-proġett jew il-preżentazzjoni tiegħek li jmiss — titlifx din l-opportunità! Is-suite ta' produttività tad-Dar u tan-Negozju ta' Office 2021 hija l-għodda perfetta għal kwalunkwe negozju li jeħtieġ li jibqa' fuq nett tal-logħba tiegħu. B'firxa wiesgħa ta' karatteristiċi u għażliet ġodda, l-apps ta' Microsoft inklużi se jagħmlu x-xogħol tal-uffiċċju tiegħek aktar effiċjenti minn qatt qabel! L-Uffiċċju 2021 tad-Dar u tan-Negozju għall-Karatteristiċi tal-Mac  Microsoft Word 2021 għall-Mac Is-software għall-ipproċessar tal-kliem li tħobb tuża għal esejs u dokumenti reġa', iżda din id-darba huwa aħjar minn qatt qabel. B'karatteristiċi ġodda li jagħmlu l-kitba aktar koeżiva tkun xi tkun l-okkażjoni — kemm jekk xogħol fl-iskola jew proġetti fid-dar — l-app favorita tiegħek ġiet estiża bi tricks cool fil-komma! Ikseb aktar f'inqas ħin minn qatt qabel. L-għodda kollha li għandek bżonn għal kwalunkwe proġett, fuq ponot subgħajk! Uża l-istrixxa "Għidli" biex issib il-karatteristiċi, u poġġihom f'Toolbar ta' Aċċess Mgħaġġel għal aċċess faċli. Modalità Skura mtejba. Żomm l-iskrin faċli fuq għajnejk bil-mod Skur il-ġdid u mtejjeb. Issa, il-paġna tiegħek tiskura wkoll, u tista' tidħol fil-modalità Focus biex tibdel il-kuluri fl-isfond mingħajr distrazzjonijiet. Aqra Aħjar l-ilħna b'Leħen Leħen. Fil-Word 2021 waslu vuċijiet ġodda u mtejba ħafna mit-test għal diskors. Igawdu vuċijiet ta' kwalità għolja u li jinftiehmu biex jgħinuk tifhem id-dokumenti aħjar. Iva, anke jaħdem mal-Line Focus il-ġdid f'Immersive Reader! Kumment magħmul modern. Ebda pop-ups tal-sidebar aktar. Il-kummenti issa huma inline u kuntestwali, bi @mentions u ħafna aktar li ġejjin. Microsoft Excel 2021 għall-Mac Microsoft Excel 2021 hija l-aktar applikazzjoni komprensiva u faċli biex tużah tal-folji ta' spreadsheet fis-suq tal-lum. Żid il-ħiliet tiegħek fl-analiżi tad-dejta b'dawn il-karatteristiċi ġodda kollha li saru biss għal nies bħalek! Excel 2021 jestendi l-limiti ta' dak li qabel kien maħsub possibbli. Issa tista' tmur lil hinn mill-ideat u toħloq spreadsheets kumplessi u professjonali b'faċilità! Uża d-dejta tiegħek bis-sħiħ. Analizza l-informazzjoni malajr u faċilment. Nies minn kwalunkwe impjieg jew pajjiż madwar id-dinja jista' jkollhom aċċess għal ħiliet aħjar ta' teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet ibbażati fuq sejbiet mill-ispreadsheets Excel tagħhom! Funzjonijiet ġodda. Funzjonijiet ġodda qawwija jippermettulek timmanipula u taħdem bid-dejta tiegħek b'aktar modi. Funzjonijiet introdotti ġodda jinkludu LET() u XLOOKUP() f'Excel, b'ħafna aktar li ġejjin! Arrays Dinamika. M'hemmx aktar bżonn ta 'formuli twal, messy, u kkumplikati. Dynamic Arrays jagħmlulek ħajtek aktar faċli billi jġibu kalkoli kumplessi f'dawl aħjar li huwa aktar faċli biex tikteb u taħdem magħhom. Titjib fl-istabbiltà u l-prestazzjoni. Il-prestazzjoni mtejba ta 'Excel tagħmel ix-xogħol fuq settijiet kbar aktar faċli minn qatt qabel, grazzi għall-veloċità aktar mgħaġġla tiegħu kemm fil-kalkolu kif ukoll fin-navigazzjoni. Microsoft PowerPoint 2021 għall-Mac PowerPoint 2021 huwa perfett għal nies li jixtiequ joħolqu preżentazzjonijiet impenjattivi u fil-fatt jaqsmuhom b'mod li jieħu aktar attenzjoni minn qabel. Bit-titjib magħmul mill-Microsoft stess kif ukoll karatteristiċi ġodda li qed jiżdiedu — ma tistax tmur ħażin! Kun kreattiv, kun professjonali. L-aħjar preżentazzjonijiet huma dawk fejn tista 'tħalli l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek tgħaddi. PowerPoint 2021 iħallik tagħmel dan, iżda xorta żżomm ton professjonali għal kull xorta ta 'xenarji. Kaptan tas-sengħa. Il-preżentazzjonijiet huma l-aħjar meta jgħaddu minn ħaġa għall-oħra b'mod divertenti. PowerPoint 2021 jippermettilek iżżomm il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek friski u interessanti b'għodod, animazzjonijiet, tranżizzjonijiet! Daħħal ikoni ġodda u mudelli 3D. Aħdem ma 'librerija estiża ta' ikoni SVG biex tagħmel ix-xogħol tiegħek jispikka mill-bqija! Agħżel bejn dawk iddisinjati professjonalment, jew ittella tiegħek jekk qed tħossok kreattiv. PowerPoint 2021 iġġiegħlek tħossok mismugħ. Issa, il-preżentazzjonijiet tiegħek jista' jkollhom kuntatt aktar personali fir-reġistrazzjoni tan-narrazzjoni mill-programm innifsu — m'hemmx għalfejn issib sors barrani jew tinvesti ħin biex tirrekordja lilek innifsek f'app separat! Microsoft Outlook 2021 għall-Mac Iffukat. Organizzata. Jirrispondi. L-emails huma s-sinsla ta' negozju ta' suċċess. Trid tkun tista' tara minnhom b'mod ċar, u jkollok aċċess anke meta tkun fuq il-go! Outlook 2021 itejjeb l-aspetti kollha tal-email inklużi l-ifformattjar, il-kuntatti u l-annessi. Huwa eħfef minn qatt qabel għalik jew għall-organizzazzjoni tiegħek li tilħaq klijenti jew kollegi b'Outlook 2021 f'idejk. Tinsewx ukoll dwar l-ippjanar tal-laqgħat! Outlook jista 'jgħinek tippjana laqgħat personalment, kif ukoll online permezz ta' Skype għan-Negozju. Imla l-kalendarju tiegħek b'avvenimenti, skadenzi u aktar li ġejjin minn ġewwa applikazzjoni waħda sempliċi. Rekwiżiti tas-Sistema tad-Dar u tan-Negozju tal-Uffiċċju 2021 għall-Mac Hawn huma r-rekwiżiti minimi tas-sistema għall-installazzjoni ta' din il-suite. Nirrakkomandaw li taqbeż dawn sabiex tiggarantixxi lilek innifsek esperjenza pjaċevoli b'Office 2021 Home & Business għall-Mac: Proċessur: Kemm Intel u ċippa M1 u kompjuters ċippa M2 huma appoġġjati. Memorja / RAM: 4 GB jew aktar. Hard disk: Minimu ta' 10 GB spazju disponibbli fuq hard disk; Format HFS + hard disk. Sistema Operattiva: macOS 12 (Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura & macOS 14 Sonoma) & aktar ġodda. Waħda miż-żewġ rilaxxi ta' macOS attwali jew tal-passat hija meħtieġa biex tinstalla u tuża Office 2021 għall-Mac. Rekwiżiti oħra: Il-funzjonalità tal-Internet teħtieġ konnessjoni tal-internet. Jista' jkun meħtieġ kont tal-Microsoft. Huwa meħtieġ apparat li juża l-mess biex juża kwalunkwe funzjonalità multitouch. Il-funzjonalità u l-grafika tal-applikazzjonijiet inklużi jistgħu jvarjaw skont is-sistema tiegħek.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Windows 11 Home
Microsoft Windows 11 Home
€64,95 EUR €119,95 EUR
Save: 46%
Install on 1 device Instant digital download Lifetime license Windows 11 Home is the newest generation of the legendary Windows operating system. The update takes navigating your system to the next level with a new design, new features, and better optimization. Get the most comprehensible, fluent, and modernized operating system on your computer today by purchasing Windows 11 from us. Windows 11 Home is the classic version of Windows 11 -- Perfect for home and casual users. It is packed everything you need into one powerful system. A new Windows experience, bringing you closer to the people and things you love. Get a fresh perspective with the new User interface in Windows 11 Home. Windows 11 Home now provides a calm and creative space where you can pursue your passions through a fresh experience.  Enjoy the new rejuvenated Start menu in Windows 11, included in the Home edition, and other new ways to connect to your favorite people, news, games, and content—Windows 11 is the place to think, express, and create in a natural way. Start Menu Modification in Windows 11 Home edition offers a fresh iteration. This presents a list of places and other options visible in the middle, and applications represented by tiles are present on the right. Moreover, the menu can be resized, and even expanded into a full-screen display.  Maximize your productivity with Window 11 Home. Access all the apps you need and multi-task with ease with tools like Snap layouts, Desktops, and a new more-intuitive redocking experience. New ways to connect in Windows 11 Home as Microsoft Teams replaces built-in Skype. Connect instantly to the people you care about right from your desktop with Microsoft Teams. Call or chat for free—no matter what device they’re on. Get your content, curated by you with Microsoft Edge and a multitude of Widgets you can choose from in Windows 11 Home. you can quickly stay up to date with the news, information, and entertainment that matters most to you.  Easily find the installed apps you need and the shows you love to watch in the new Microsoft Store. Also, run Android Apps in Windows 11 Home via Intel Bridge tech or download them from Microsoft Store App. Playtime, is anytime, in Windows 11 Home. Windows 11 now takes gaming to a whole new level with graphic capabilities that rival reality. Besides, you can play in multiple windows. Discover your next favorite game with Xbox Game Pass, giving you access to over 100 high-quality games (membership sold separately).  Buy Windows 11 Home at SoftwareKeep today and enjoy the amazing benefits of the next-gen Operating System. You can check PC if it has enough storage space for eligible windows. You can check this article out for free upgrade from Windows 10. Features The following are the notable features of Windows 11 Home:  Microsoft Store: Download Windows apps and many more apps for your Windows tablet or computer. Browse thousands of free and paid apps by category, read user reviews, and compare ratings. Microsoft Teams: Get Teams integrated directly into the Windows 11 Taskbar, making it easier to access. You'll be able to access Teams from Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS.  Xbox Game Pass better gaming: Windows 11 Home now has certain features found in Xbox consoles, like Auto HDR and DirectStorage, to improve gaming on your Windows PC. Remote (Virtual) desktop support (Client only): Windows 11 lets you set up virtual desktops to allow you to toggle between multiple desktops for personal, work, school, or gaming use. Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection lets you remotely connect to another PC from anywhere. It’s disabled by default in Windows 11. Windows Hello: Sign in to your Microsoft windows users account with Windows Hello. Windows 11 allows you to sign in to your device on the lock screen and sign in to your account on the web using Windows Hello. Device encryption: Windows 11 Home, like Windows 10 Home has Device Encryption. Windows device encryption is a security feature in Windows 11 that helps protect your data by encrypting the system drive. Only authorized individuals can access your device and data if device encryption is enabled. Firewall and network protection: Included in Windows 11 Home, Firewall & network protection in Windows Security lets you view the status of Microsoft Defender Firewall and see what networks your device is connected to.  Feel protected and stay safe.  Internet protection: Security is a big part of Windows 11 Home, but so is delivering productivity and a good experience with all the security features turned on. This is why Internet Protection is included in the system to protect you from Internet-related attacks. Parental controls/protection: Privacy starts with putting you in control. You should have the tools and information to make informed choices. You can manage your data saved to the cloud. Secure Boot: This is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). When the PC starts, the firmware checks the signature of each piece of boot software, including UEFI firmware drivers (also known as Option ROMs), EFI applications, and the operating system. If the signatures are valid, the PC boots and the firmware gives control to the operating system. As an IT developer and a member of the Windows Insider program, you know this feature is a big deal. Windows Defender Antivirus: In Windows 11 Home, there’s a Windows Security App and Microsoft Defender Antivirus program to keep you safe -- Protect your data and devices. Snap Groups and Snap Layouts: These are collections of the Android apps you're using at once that sit in the Taskbar and can come up or be minimized at the same time for easier task switching. Isn’t Windows 11 Home Great?  They also let you plug and unplug from a monitor more easily without losing where your open windows are located. Other features  Start Menu: Get quick access to frequently used programs and documents. The  Windows 11 menu is fully customizable. You can resize it to manage the layout of interactive dynamic Live Tiles tiles with a clean install. Hybrid Pc support: Windows 11 automatically detects when a device is transferred to another mode of operation and independently optimizes the display to operate in the appropriate mode. A new graphic theme. After the Fluent Design which aimed to make Windows more fluid and animated, Microsoft introduced a new clear graphic theme or Windows Light theme with a tweak of dark mode features and improved system icons. Device Guard: Device Guard protects against new and unknown malware versions and constant threats of increased complexity. Cortana set back. The voice assistant is decoupled from the Start menu and the search engine of the OS and now integrates directly into the Windows taskbar. “This will allow each experience to benefit from independent innovations to better serve their audience and their use cases,” argues Microsoft. Improved email client: Quickly connect and share files with the people and groups that matter most. Simplify your life with tools that help you take control of your email and schedule. System Requirements The minimum system requirements of Windows 11 Home include:  Note: If you are unsure whether your PC meets these requirements, you can check with your PC Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or, if your device is already running Windows 10, you can use the PC Health Check app to assess compatibility. Processor: 1GHz (gigahertz ) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC) Memory (RAM): 4GB (gigabyte ) Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0 Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver Display: High definition (720p) display that is greater than 9” diagonally, 8 bits per color channel Internet connection and Microsoft accounts: Windows 11 Home edition requires internet connectivity and a Microsoft account to complete device setup on first use. **For all Windows 11 editions, internet access is required to perform updates and to download and take advantage of some features. A Microsoft account is required for some features.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac
Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac
€80,95 EUR €128,95 EUR
Save: 37%
1 PC/1 Person One-time purchase Compatible with the latest macOS Instant download Lifetime customer support The best word processor for macOS just got better. Word 2021 for Mac will help you be more productive and creative in ways that are accessible to everybody with the ability of easily sharing ideas across family, friends or colleagues! It's time-saving features like these make it so easy anyone can use them without any difficulties. Create documents with a new, refreshed look and feel that are so friendly you’ll never want to put down the keyboard. With today's world being as virtual as it is, we all need access points for creativity in order not only to express ourselves but also collaborate on projects together!  The new, stylish design of Word 2021 on the Mac makes document creation easier than ever before while still allowing users tons of creative freedom when typing up an important paper or essay without having any typos, grammatical errors, or research issues. It’s perfect for office workers, students, hobbyist bloggers, and everything in between. Word 2021 is the new, improved version of Word. It includes all-new features such as stock media from Office Premium Creative Content Collection and natural read aloud voices that you can use when managing your documents with ease! Don't worry — features from the previous version won’t be going anywhere either. Word 2021 is still just as compatible with your Mac as the previous generation was, if not even better. Enjoy Mac exclusive features like MacBook touch bar integration, Focus Mode, Natural-sounding voices with Read Aloud, advanced page color support, and more! A whole new world of productivity and accessibility awaits you with Word 2021 for Mac. Upgrade today, or take the first step to transition to the Office 2021 suite by buying your new software from us. Word 2021 Features  Microsoft Word for Mac is the newest addition to Microsoft's Office product family with new features, better tools and a visual overhaul. In addition you get access to special sets of tools that help in various fields such as design or digital inking. Improved performance Word 2021 for Mac is the most efficient and stable version of Word yet, with improved performance on all macOS-based systems. With this new update you can expect to experience faster operations that will allow for a smoother workflow in your workday! Advanced page color Do you find reading on the computer a strain on your eyes? To help with this, the Immersive Reader in Word 2021 for Mac received many additional ways to choose a page color that will make text easy to scan with less eye-strain. There are 20 predefined colors, with options such as Wheel and Sliders for users to pick their own page color as well! Natural Read Aloud voices The improved Read Aloud feature in Word 2021 for Mac is great not only to give your eyes a break, but also as an opportunity to catch any errors before they reach readers. With more natural sounding voices and improved accessibility features like Line Focus that enhance the listening experience, this will be one tool you can't afford to live without! Insert premium content It's time to update your office library. With the new features in Word 2021 for Mac, you can create professional-looking documents with rich media content that will take any document from good to great! Microsoft is constantly adding more shapes and icons to this collection — check back often for fresh additions or sign up for Microsoft 365 to get the latest content any day. The “Tell me” bar makes it to Mac In-app search is an excellent way to find text, features and help without having to fire up your browser or ask for assistance. The new addition of the "Tell me" bar on Mac will let you enter keywords about what your next action should be so that Word 2021’s features can be accessed more quickly than ever before! Visual refresh The new and improved Start experience will help you start your project the right way. With a modernized ribbon, updated tabs in Word 2021 for Mac for easier access to tools like handy AutoQuotes or an Index; all-new Monoline iconography that communicates action with simple visuals — it doesn't get any more convenient than this! Save as SVG Save your pictures and graphics as SVG in Word 2021 for Mac. The app now supports saving various elements from your documents with no loss of quality when upscaling. The new feature allows you to resize these SVG files without it affecting how they look when displayed on screen or printed out! Sketched style outline Try out the Sketched style outline in Word 2021 for Mac. You can give a casual, hand-drawn look to shapes with this new feature and it's easy as pie! First make your shape however you want then go into Format Shape > Line > Sketched style. Try out the Curved, Freehand, or Scribble options for some unique looks to add interesting visual touches to your Word documents. Word 2021 System Requirements  Here are the minimum system requirements for installing this software. We recommend exceeding these in order to guarantee yourself an enjoyable experience with Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac: Processor: Both Intel and M1 chip computers are supported. Memory / RAM: 4 GB or more. Hard disk: A minimum of 10 GB available hard disk space; HFS+ hard disk format. Operating System: macOS 11 or newer. One of the current or past two macOS releases is required to install and use Office 2021 for Mac. Other requirements: Internet functionality requires an internet connection. A Microsoft account may be required. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality. Functionality and graphics of the included applications may vary based on your system.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Excel 2021 for Mac
Microsoft Excel 2021 for Mac
€80,95 EUR €95,95 EUR
Save: 16%
1 PC/1 Person Lifetime license Turn your data into useful insights Compatible with the latest macOS 24/7 lifetime support Microsoft Excel 2021 lets you process, organize and analyze your data more efficiently than ever before. Never before have so many features been packed into just one product. Whether it's for work or home use, Excel 2021 is a versatile app to get it done. Excel is the industry standard for spreadsheet software, and it's about time an upgrade has arrived! Microsoft understands the need for a visually appealing application toolkit where a user can select from a variety of options without feeling overwhelmed. That’s what they set out to do when developing the newest release. Excel 2021 not only includes all of the already existing features and tools, but comes complete with new functions and improvements. Sharing data between co-workers is as easy as pie with the new collaborative functionality built right in. With Microsoft Excel 2021, you can make what you imagine a reality easier than ever before. Microsoft Excel 2021 for Mac Features  Microsoft Excel 2021 is the newest addition to Microsoft's Office product family for Mac. It not only includes all of the already existing features and tools in a more visually appealing package, but comes with new additions and capabilities as well! Improved performance Excel 2021 for Mac is the most efficient and stable version of Excel yet, with improved performance on all macOS-based systems. With this new update you can expect to experience faster operations that will allow for a smoother workflow in your workday! Visual refresh The new and improved Start experience will help you start your project the right way. With a modernized ribbon, updated tabs in Excel 2021 for Mac for easier access to tools, complete with all-new Monoline iconography that communicates action with simple visuals — it doesn't get any more convenient than this! Dynamic arrays The Dynamic arrays feature has been improved drastically in Excel 2021 for Mac. There are six more functions available within this exciting update: FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, and RANDARRAY. XLOOKUP The XLOOKUP function is a game changer in Excel 2021 for Mac. Now, you can find anything much easier without spending precious minutes scrolling up and down your sheets, or using less efficient search functions! The function can be used to find anything you need in tables or ranges with just one row. The search term will return results from any column on the same side of your table. XMATCH function With XMATCH in Excel 2021 for Mac, you can search for and return a specific item from an array or range of cells. You could also use this function to get the absolute position on one value within another array — which is really useful if we're trying to find cells at different intervals! LET function The LET function in Excel 2021 for Mac is a powerful addition that will help you as a spreadsheet user. It's especially useful for storing intermediate calculations, values or defining names inside formulas and outputting them all at once instead of one by one! Watch your formulas Excel 2021 for Mac enables you to “watch” cells across multiple sheets and workbooks in a single pane or window. This new Watch Window functionality makes it convenient to inspect, audit, or confirm formula calculations and results on large worksheets with ease as well! The “Tell me” bar makes it to Mac In-app search is an excellent way to find cells, commands and help without having to fire up your browser or ask for assistance. The new addition of the "Tell me" bar on Mac will let you enter keywords about what your next action should be so that Excel 2021’s features can be accessed more quickly than ever before! Save as SVG Save your pictures and graphics as SVG in Excel 2021 for Mac. The app now supports saving various elements from your documents with no loss of quality when upscaling. The new feature allows you to resize these SVG files without it affecting how they look when displayed on screen or printed out! Sketched style outline Try out the Sketched style outline in Excel 2021 for Mac. You can give a casual, hand-drawn look to shapes with this new feature and it's easy as pie! Try out the Curved, Freehand, or Scribble options for some unique looks to add interesting visual touches to your Excel spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel 2021 for Mac System Requirements  Here are the minimum system requirements for installing this software. We recommend exceeding these in order to guarantee yourself an enjoyable experience with Microsoft Excel 2021 for Mac: Processor: Both Intel and M1 chip computers are supported. Memory / RAM: 4 GB or more. Hard disk: A minimum of 10 GB available hard disk space; HFS+ hard disk format. Operating System: macOS 11 or newer. One of the current or past two macOS releases is required to install and use Office 2021 for Mac. Other requirements: Internet functionality requires an internet connection. A Microsoft account may be required. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality. Functionality and graphics of the included applications may vary based on your system. * Microsoft has not released any information about the minimum system requirements for Office 2021 or Excel 2021 specifically, but we don't expect much change from what was announced in 2019.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Excel 2021 PC
Microsoft Excel 2021 PC
€80,95 EUR €104,95 EUR
Save: 23%
1 PC/1 Person Turn your data into useful insights Compatible with Windows 11 and Windows 24/7 lifetime support Microsoft Excel 2021 lets you process, organize and analyze your data more efficiently than ever before. Never before have so many features been packed into just one product. Whether it's for work or home use, Excel 2021 is the versatile app to get it done. Excel is the industry standard for spreadsheet software, and it's about time an upgrade has arrived! Microsoft understands the need for a visually appealing application toolkit where a user can select from a variety of options without feeling overwhelmed. That’s what they set out to do when developing the newest release. Excel 2021 not only includes all of the already existing features and tools, but comes complete with new functions and improvements. Sharing data between co-workers is as easy as pie with the new collaborative functionality built right in. With Microsoft Excel 2021, you can make what you imagine a reality easier than ever before. Microsoft Excel 2021 Features  Microsoft Excel 2021 is the newest addition to Microsoft's Office product family. It not only includes all of the already existing features and tools in a more visually appealing package, but comes with new additions and capabilities as well! Improved performance Excel 2021 is the most efficient and stable version of Excel yet, with improved performance on all Windows-based systems. With this new update you can expect to experience faster operations (calculations, chart generation, etc.) that will allow for a smoother workflow in your workday! Visual refresh The new and improved Start experience will help you start your project the right way. With a modernized ribbon, updated tabs in Excel 2021's tab bar for easier access to tools, complete with all-new Monoline iconography that communicates action with simple visuals — it doesn't get any more convenient than this! XLOOKUP The XLOOKUP function is a game changer in Excel 2021. Now, you can find anything much easier without spending precious minutes scrolling up and down your sheets, or using less efficient search functions! The function can be used to find anything you need in tables or ranges with just one row. The search term will return results from any column on the same side of your table. Dynamic arrays Excel formulas that return a set of values, also known as an array, are powerful tools for analyzing your data. This behavior is called “spilling” and can be used in many different ways with cells to create complex formulas or just get quick answers from one cell! Now, it's easier than ever. The feature that lets you write one formula and return an array of values is called Dynamic Arrays. It's a great way for Excel users to expedite calculations, especially when they're working with large data sets or tracking metrics over time in different ways! There are six new functions available within this exciting update: FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, and RANDARRAY. LET function The LET function in Excel 2021 is a powerful addition that will help you as a spreadsheet user. It's especially useful for storing intermediate calculations, values or defining names inside formulas and outputting them all at once instead of one by one! XMATCH function With XMATCH in Excel 2021, you can search for and return a specific item from an array or range of cells. You could also use this function to get the absolute position on one value within another array — which is really useful if we're trying to find cells at different intervals! Insert premium content It's time to update your Office library. With the updated library, you can create professional documents with rich media content that will take any spreadsheet from good to great! Microsoft is constantly adding more shapes and icons to this collection — check back often for fresh additions or sign up for Microsoft 365 to get the latest content any day. Microsoft Search With Microsoft Search, find what you need in Excel 2021 with one click. The new Microsoft Search box is located at the top of your app on Windows, and provides powerful features to help users quickly locate any information they are looking for from text files or commands that would otherwise require hours scouring through online documentation. New Draw tab Excel 2021 has just made it easier to work with digital ink. With new additions in the Draw tab, you can now access all of your tools from one place and quickly change their colors without ever having to open another app! Simplify how you work with ink using a new Draw tab, which contains tools like the Point Eraser and Lasso. Support for OpenDocument format New in Excel 2021 is expanded support for the OpenDocument file format (ODF), which supports many new features. This specification was updated with version 1.3 from ODF 1.2 to include even more capabilities than before! System Requirements  Here are the minimum system requirements for installing Excel 2021. We recommend exceeding these in order to guarantee yourself an enjoyable experience with the software: Processor: 1.6 GHz or faster, 2-core processor. Memory / RAM: 4 GB or more for 64-bit; 2 GB or more for 32-bit based systems. Hard disk: A minimum of 4GB available hard disk space is required on the installation harddrive. Operating System: Windows 10 or Windows 11 is required for Office 2021 apps. Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher on Windows 10. .NET version: Some features may require .NET 3.5 or 4.6 and higher also to be installed. Other requirements: Internet functionality requires an internet connection. A Microsoft account may be required. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality. Functionality and graphics of the included applications may vary based on your system.
Microsoft Software Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac
Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac
€72,95 EUR
1 Mac/1 person One time download Lifetime License 24/7/365 customer support Commercial and personal use What is Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac? Microsoft Outlook is an application for managing your personal information and schedule. Although it's mainly known and used for it's emailing capabilities, it also includes features such as a calendar, journal, notes, contact management, task management, as well as web browsing. It's part of the broader Microsoft Office product family, though you can purchase it as a stand-alone program. Working alongside Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SharePoint Server is also possible, which tends to organizations who need to share inboxes, calendars or other data. Because Microsoft shares the code of various apps amongst platforms such as Windows, macOS, iOS and even Android, applications from the Office suite are now readily available for you to utilize on your Mac device. This brings you a great opportunity to take advantage of Outlook 2019 for Mac and improve your work efficiency, your speed, and the overall experience of getting things done the right way. Why buy Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac? Originally, Outlook was viewed as nothing more than a simple email client with basic capabilities. Viewing, sorting and sending emails was pretty much the only thing people used it for - however, the new 2019 release is here to completely change the way Outlook is perceived. The new and advanced features made it become a powerful tool for managing your personal information, keeping track of things you need to tend to, marking important dates and much more. As previously stated, Outlook brings more than just an emailing client to its customers. Due to it being designed and developed as a personal management program, Outlook offers a huge variety of features that aren’t exactly in the spotlight but should not be overlooked regardless. Use Outlook 2019 for Mac to regain control over many parts of your life as they happen. These features are also useful for business purposes, such as emailing and sharing files, planning events, and organizing a meeting. Using Outlook’s features, you’ll never forget about an important day ever again. Did something spark an idea in your mind? Open Outlook’s journal and quickly note down ideas, concepts and quick reminders for yourself in the future. With the included ability to manage your contacts, you’ll never have to second-guess yourself when dialing a phone number or sending an email to someone. Outlook for Mac Features Touch bar support A feature entirely unique to Mac, most Office applications now offer support for the Touch bar found in new generation MacBooks. This allows you to perform different functions just by using the touch bar. This comes in handy with efficient shortcuts for basic functions such as copy and paste, but further capabilities are unlocked within Outlook itself. New, modern design Winning over the hearts of people who use the macOS operating system, Microsoft has made the decision to perform a huge design overhaul for many Office suite applications. This means that Outlook 2019 for Mac received a huge boost in attractiveness. Going from the slightly outdated look to a modern, clean interface helps users navigate better in the application, and grants a great first impression when seeing Outlook 2019 for Mac.  Better emailing experience Focused Inbox This new feature helps you separate your incoming emails into two different mailboxes labeled "Focused" and "Other". This allows you to quickly see incoming mail which you think is important, other than showing a bunch of junk on your Outlook homepage. The most important mail will arrive into your Focused tab, while everything else will be flowing to the Other inbox. This includes things such as newsletters, promotions, and computer-generated emails. You always have the ability to quickly switch between these two tabs, and still get alerted about emails that arrive into your Other inbox as well. You can also fine-tune Outlook to your own preferences, meaning that if you think something should've shown up in another tab, you can easily put it there yourself. Note: The Focused Inbox feature requires you to have a Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 email account. Visual enhancements You can insert images, icons, and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files into your emails to give them enhanced looks. When choosing to embed visual elements, you are given access to pick and choose from Microsoft's provided library of professionally made icons in over 25 categories. You can select multiple icons to insert at the same time, and once your icons are in your email, you have the ability to edit them in various ways by resizing, rotating, changing colors, and applying other visual effects. Manage your personal schedule Calendar The Calendar is a great tool to keep up-to-date with your life and plan ahead for the future as well. You can schedule things like appointments for activities, or plan a business meeting. You can even invite other people to these schedules - once someone agrees to attend, Outlook will automatically mark the day and time in their calendar as well. Reminders Reminders are a part of Outlook's calendar feature. Once you set a reminder for something, it's going to appear in a pop-up alert window at the requested time. This makes sure you don't miss any important event or deadline ever again. If you prefer something more subtle and out of the way, you have the option to make Outlook flash the taskbar once your reminder goes off. Reminders can be given to almost anything in Outlook including emails, personal messages, appointments, meetings, and your contacts. If an email you received has something important in it that you'd need to keep track of, you can quickly set it as to-do items by utilizing the reminders feature. The message will appear on your To-Do List tab as well as inside the Tasks folder, however, it doesn't automatically become a reminder before you flag it as one. Notes One of the most underutilized features in Outlook is the ability to take notes. Using this function can help you keep track of ideas, concepts, note down information quickly and organize your work with ease. Later on, you can look back on these notes and remember important things which you might've forgotten about. Creating a note is as simple as pressing a button, however, you can customize your notes to show in different colors, fonts, and even give them distinctive headers. These options allow you to find the information you need by just taking a glance at your notes. More accessible than ever Hands-free typing A feature called Dictate allows you to speak into your microphone and have Outlook type your words out for you. It's part of the new Office Intelligent Services, bringing speech recognition to the next level. You can easily add punctuation, edit and correct your text while talking simultaneously, and enjoy the fast work you can achieve with just using your voice. Listen to your emails You can listen to your emails through an Ease of Access feature. It goes hand-in-hand with Dictate, as it makes Outlook read your messages out loud, making it easier for individuals to communicate and understand the text. This feature can also help with multitasking, meaning that your productivity will definitely get better. Simply make Outlook read an email for you while you take care of other tasks and listen. Accessibility Checker In addition to the new reading and writing features mentioned above, Outlook 2019 for Mac uses a technology to identify accessibility problems anywhere in your emails. Changes to improve accessibility are suggested and can be implemented with the click of a button after you review them. This single click will make your message comprehensible for other individuals. More features to love Better reminders that utilize pop-ups and the taskbar to get your attention and never miss an event. A quick bug fix to make sure all your Deleted Items are marked as read, instead of leaving an unread message in your inbox that doesn’t exist anymore. The calendar now allows you to see up to three different time zones on one schedule, making it easier to coordinate meetings and tasks across the world. Sorting options beyond Focused Inbox have been brought back to filter your emails in a different way. You can always change and customize the way Outlook sorts your emails to suit your needs. You're now able to see people's responses to a meeting, even if you're not the organizer, meaning that you'll always know who you're meeting with. Once you drag and drop OneDrive attachments from your emails to the local files on your computer, Outlook uses the cloud and downloads a copy of the attachment for you. Just like on social media, you can @Mention people in your messages, making all tagged recipients to receive a copy of your message. System Requirements These are the minimum system requirements for installing Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac Operating systems supported: macOS 12 or newer Platform supported: Mac Minimum processor speed: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Minimum hard drive space: 2.5 Gb Minimum memory: 1 Gb Minimum RAM: 4 Gb; 2 GB (32-bit)
Microsoft Software Microsoft Outlook 2021 for Mac
Microsoft Outlook 2021 for Mac
€104,95 EUR
1 PC/1 person Outlook allows you to focus on what’s important View of email, calendars, and contacts. Quickly connect and share files with the people and groups Find important information fast Out with the old, in with the new. Outlook 2021 is here to bring you a Mac experience that is more powerful than ever before. Get the same settings that are on your Windows-powered PC or tablet at home onto your Mac. Microsoft Outlook 2021 is a great app to help you stay on top of your schedule! With this program, you can easily manage everything from emailing and meeting plans all the way through social media updates. It's perfect for anyone who needs access at any time or wants an organized life in general. Working on personal relationships — like setting up a family vacation or checking someone's social media post? You can now directly tag people in their communications and schedule meetups right inside Outlook 2021 for Mac! Save time and get things done by managing everything from work to life with one app: Microsoft Office Outlook 2021 for the macOS system. Features Outlook 2021 for Mac comes with new features, along with its already strong arsenal of existing tools. You’ll be able to type up emails, manage your personal and work life, and keep in touch with the people in your life. All from one app. Visual refresh The new and improved Start experience will help you start your project the right way. With a modernized ribbon, updated tabs in Outlook 2021 for Mac for easier access to tools, complete with all-new Monoline iconography that communicates action with simple visuals — it doesn't get any more convenient than this! Your inbox, your rules Outlook 2021 for Mac allows you to set up inboxes for focused and other incoming messages. This lets you separate important mail from personal or junk messages. You can set up custom rules, whitelist email addresses, and make your inbox fit for your own unique needs. Plan ahead The Outlook 2021 for Mac calendar is the perfect way to stay on top of your life and plan ahead for what's coming up. You can even invite other people to your events — once someone agrees, their calendars will automatically sync with yours! Never miss another meeting Reminders are an innovative way to stay on top of your schedule. You can set them for anything in Outlook including emails, personal messages or even meetings and appointments! You can customize sound alerts, but if you want something more subtle, just a pop up notification or jumping icon in the macOS dock will do the trick too. Save as SVG Save your pictures and graphics as SVG in Outlook 2021 for Mac. The app now supports saving various elements from your emails with no loss of quality when upscaling. The new feature allows you to resize these SVG files without it affecting how they look when displayed on screen or printed out! Touch bar support The Touch Bar in new generation MacBooks is a feature that makes Mac more convenient to use. You can perform basic functions such as copy and paste with efficient shortcuts, but there are additional capabilities unlocked within Outlook 2021 itself fully compatible with your next-gen machine! System Requirements Here are the minimum system requirements for installing this software. We recommend exceeding these in order to guarantee yourself an enjoyable experience with Microsoft Outlook 2021 for Mac: Processor: Both Intel and M1 chip computers are supported. Memory / RAM: 4 GB or more. Hard disk: A minimum of 10 GB available hard disk space; HFS+ hard disk format. Operating System: macOS 11 or newer. One of the current or past two macOS releases is required to install and use Office 2021 for Mac. Other requirements: Internet functionality requires an internet connection. A Microsoft account may be required. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality. The functionality and graphics of the included applications may vary based on your system.