Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac

€60,95 EUR €124,95 -52% OFF

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  • For 1 Device
  • Digital download
  • Lifetime support at no extra cost

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac

€60,95 EUR €124,95 -52% OFF

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  • For 1 Device
  • Digital download
  • Lifetime support at no extra cost

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  • Install for 1 device/ 1 person
  • One-time purchase
  • Licensed for home & school use
  • Runs on macOS - three most recent versions 
  • Classic 2019 version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Enjoy Lifetime support

Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Office 2019

Are you tired of constantly switching between multiple applications to complete your tasks? Look no further than Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac! This powerful software suite includes all the essential applications you need to increase your productivity, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for macOS systems.

With a modern, streamlined interface, you can easily create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Microsoft Office 2019 also offers a range of features designed to optimize your workflow, including real-time collaboration, customizable themes, and advanced formatting options.

Comprehensive Tools for Academic Success

Whether you're a student or a teacher, Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac has everything you need to succeed academically. With Word, you can create professional-quality essays, reports, and research papers with ease. Excel makes it simple to organize and analyze data, while PowerPoint allows you to create engaging presentations that will captivate your audience.

Microsoft Office 2019 also includes OneNote for Mac, an innovative note-taking application that lets you capture your ideas and thoughts in a variety of formats, from text and images to audio and video.

Access Your Files Anywhere, Anytime

With Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac, you can access your files from anywhere, on any device. Thanks to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud-based storage solution, you can easily save and share your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with others.

OneDrive also makes it easy to collaborate in real-time with colleagues or classmates, allowing you to work together on projects from anywhere in the world. And with the ability to sync your files across multiple devices, you can be sure that you always have access to the latest version of your work.

Features: What’s Included in Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac

The Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac suite includes the following applications:

  • Microsoft Word 2019 for Mac
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 for Mac
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 for Mac
  • Microsoft OneNote 2019 for Mac

Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac includes the essential applications you need for your academic and personal work. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote are included in the package, so you can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and notes with ease. With the latest version of Office 2019, you can be sure that you are using the most up-to-date software that includes all the latest features and improvements.

  • Essential Applications: Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, the essential applications for your academic and personal work.
  • Modern Interface: The applications have a modern and streamlined interface with improved usability and accessibility.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Work together on a document in real-time with other users using the "Co-Authoring" feature, no matter where you are in the world.
  • OneDrive Integration: OneDrive allows you to easily access your files on any device from anywhere, anytime. You can save and share your files on the cloud and collaborate with others.
  • Customizable Themes: Customizable themes provide you with different options to personalize your experience.
  • Advanced Formatting Options: Create professional-looking documents with advanced formatting options such as text effects, shapes, SmartArt graphics, and charts.
  • New and Improved Charts: Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student for Mac provides new chart types, including funnel charts, map charts, and 2D maps, to help you visualize data in a new way.
  • Focus Mode: This feature allows you to block out all distractions, making it easier to focus on your work.
  • Translator: The Translator feature allows you to translate words, phrases, or sentences in your document into a different language.
  • Improved Accessibility: Improved accessibility features such as the "Read Aloud" and "Text to Speech" features help users with disabilities work more easily and comfortably.

System Requirements

These are the minimum requirements for installing Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac.

  • Processor: Intel processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk: 10 GB available disk space 
  • Operating System: macOS 12 (Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura & macOS 14 Sonoma) & newer
  • Display: 1280 × 800 screen resolution.

Mistoqsijiet ta' spiss

pakkett u iffranka 10%

Total price: €117,90€197,90



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