Ashampoo Music Studio 10
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Ashampoo Music Studio 10 is the Swiss Army knife for your music. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for easy editing, producing, trimming, mixing and organizing of music and audio files.
Ashampoo Music Studio 10 is a comprehensive studio equipment to edit and organize your music. The program has eight modules to record, cut, convert, and burn audio files. With quick ripping, song titles and cover artwork is automatically filled in and the process barely requires any manual input. Fully customizable naming schemes enable Ashampoo Music Studio 10 to bring order to music collections by renaming and arranging them into folders. Musicians and DJs will appreciate the various means to produce, mix, trim, and cut music. Files can be converted, shared, analyzed and normalized with great ease. The built-in audio editor supports up to three audio tracks to easily process both songs and audiobooks.
Multiple templates and customizable design options are available through the integrated cover editor that offers a fast and easy route to designing individual covers and inlays. Naturally, the program also records audio from microphones and even supports "What You hear" to record anything users hear on their PCs. DJ Mix Tape turns songs into harmonious mixtapes with smooth crossfades based on speed analyses.
Version 10 supports region-based looped playback in the editor for constant monitoring, draggable title bars for easier track rearrangement, and a new context menu for instant feature access. Tracks now support multiple images and up to 18 meta tags each. For clarity and ease of use, features have been grouped in the editor and users are now receive helpful visual feedback during track rearranging.
Finally, application performance has been enhanced to ensure Ashampoo Music Studio 10 runs smoothly even on older machines.
Feature Highlights
- Loop-support for audio previews
- Easy rearrangement with title bars
- Context menu for quick feature access
- Instant split tracks into three segments
- Tag editor now supports 18 different tag types
- Assign multiple images per track
- Easy and logical track repositioning
- Feature groups for better clarity
- Significantly enhanced performance in various program sections
Music software to edit, convert and mix audio files
Ashampoo Music Studio 10 is the Swiss Army knife for your music. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for easy editing, producing, trimming, mixing and organizing of music and audio files.
8 solid reasons for the new Ashampoo Music Studio 10!
The powerful features in Ashampoo Music Studio 10 let you make the most of your music collection! It comes with 8 handy modules that are a dream come true for music lovers–from precise audio editing to track cutting and burning. Ashampoo Music Studio 10 combines ease of use with power and efficiency: Convert, mix, and organize your song libraries, create, edit and print custom cover artwork, use disc ripping to build and extend your music collection–you can do all that and more with little to no effort with Ashampoo Music Studio 10!
- Loop-support for audio previews
- Easy rearrangement with title bars
- Context menu for quick feature access
- Instant split tracks into three segments
- Tag editor now supports 18 different tag types
- Assign multiple images per track
- Easy and logical track repositioning
- Feature groups for better clarity
- Significantly enhanced performance in various program sections
Looping previews
You can now select not only portions inside but also across tracks and have them playback continuously. This makes your life a lot easier e.g., when you're stitching parts together, because you can now instantly hear the changes as they're happening.
More details and easier handling with title bars
Each track now has a dedicated title bar to help you to keep them apart and to make dragging and rearranging them easier. Mixing and editing tracks has just become a lot more intuitive!
It's all about context
Use the right-click context menu for instant feature access and save time–or rely on the enhanced tool bar. The choice is yours.
Splitting made easy
Splitting tracks at the current marker position is nice but with Ashampoo Music Studio 10, you can use selections to instantly split tracks into three parts based on the start and end of each selection. This is especially handy when you want to apply the equalizer only to the middle part.
More tags for your tracks
Tags enrich your songs with details such as artist, genre, etc. Ashampoo Music Studio 10 supports 18 different types of tags for even more meaningful metadata - a treat for perfectionists and genuine music lovers!
There can only be one? Not any more!
There's more to music artwork than just a cover photo. Booklet, band photo, or back of the sleeve, you can now add multiple photos to your songs.
It's only logical
Features are now logically grouped in the editor with availability based upon context. This means, when you're editing multiple tracks at once, we'll only enable features that apply in that setting so you'll be visually less distracted and will achieve your goal faster!
Small things matter too
You can now use smart positioning to rearrange tracks with high precision e.g., to smoothly blend tracks together. You can also apply tags by category or convert between audio formats without losing existing tags. Details matter, and Ashampoo Music Studio 10 respects that!
Operating System
Windows® 11, Windows® 10, Windows® 8, Windows® 7
Any device that supports the operating systems listed above.
An Internet connection is required to activate the program. The program license is verified repeatedly at regular intervals.
Full administrative rights are required to use the program.
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