How to change Taskbar size on Windows 11

Wondering how to change taskbar size on Windows 11? You can get small, medium or large taskbar on Windows 11 and icons through the Windows Registry.

Wondering how to change taskbar size on Windows 11? You can get small, medium or large taskbar on Windows 11 and icons through the Windows Registry.

Change Taskbar size Windows 11

The taskbar size on Windows 11 is similar to the one on Windows 10, but the new version lacks some essential features, including the ability to change the Taskbar size. 

Since the taskbar is a vital part of the Windows operating system, many users use it often to use their programs. But the Windows 11 taskbar only shows large icons at the center. 

So, users struggle to find out how to change the Windows 11 taskbar size. There’s generally no small taskbar size on Windows 11.

However, users have discovered a way to modify the Registry to change the taskbar size on Windows 11 to small, medium, or large. But this involves editing the Registry to adjust the Windows 11 settings to make the Windows 11 Taskbar bigger or smaller.

In this guide, you will learn the steps to change the size of the Taskbar on Windows 11 with pictures.

Windows 11 Taskbar size

By default, Windows 11 taskbar is a ‘decent’ medium size. The height of the Windows 11 taskbar may vary based on your screen resolution. 

On a full HD screen, like the one we use at SoftwareKeep, the default or medium taskbar height is 48 pixels, the large height is 72 pixels, and the small height was 32 pixels. 

Windows 11 taskbar

Is Windows 11 taskbar too big?

Generally, Windows 11 taskbar appears larger than the normal Windows 10 taskbar on smaller computers and other screen resolutions.

Users who are uncomfortable with the size of the Windows 11 taskbar might want to change it and make the taskbar smaller and the icons also smaller.

There's no direct way to change taskbar settings on Windows 11 and make it smaller, like in Windows 10, but there’s good news.

Using a simple registry tweak users have found out how to edit and set the taskbar in Windows 11 to one of three sizes: small, medium, or large. Medium size is the same as the default. 

The taskbar size change will affect both the bar itself and any icons within it, including the Start, search and task view buttons.

Want a small taskbar in Windows 11? Continue reading to find out how.

How to Change the Taskbar Size on Windows 11

What if you want it a little bigger so you can see the icons better or a little smaller so you can fit more of your content on the screen at once?

Follow the below steps to change taskbar size on Windows 11. You can use these steps to make taskbar smaller, windows 11, make it medium or large.

How to make taskbar icons smaller in Windows 11:

  1. Open Regedit. Hit Windows key + R and type Regedit or open Windows search menu and type Regedit.
  2. This will open the Windows 11 Registry Editor.
  3. Navigate to this path:


    Window Registry
  4. Right-click the Advanced key > select New > click on DWORD (32-bit) Value.
    Edit Windows registry
  5. Name the key/value TaskbarSi and press Enter.
  6. Now, double-click the newly created DWORD to change its value as follows. Change the value 
    • Insert the value 0 is for the small size.
    • Insert the value 1 for default or medium size.
    • Insert the value 2 to change the Taskbar icon size to large.
      Windows taskbar
  7. Once you’re done inserting the value you want, Click the OK button.
  8. Restart/reboot the computer.

When the computer restarts, you will have the size of the taskbar icons you set. If you don't like it, you can always revert the changes you’ve made by following the same instructions, but in step 4, right-click the "TaskbarSi" DWORD value and select the Delete button.

Final Thoughts

You can adjust the taskbar size on Windows 11 to suit your needs.

Even though you can’t make the Windows 11 Taskbar bigger or smaller as easily as you can on Windows 10, a small registry tweak can still do the job.

And as long as you followed the instructions mentioned above correctly, you shouldn’t worry about messing up the Windows Registry. However, we still recommend using this method only if you know what you’re doing.

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Further Reading 

» How do I Make Taskbar Smaller on Windows 10? 
» How to How to Make the Taskbar Transparent in Windows 10
» Taskbar showing in fullscreen? Here's how to fix it 
» Why is Taskbar Showing Full-screen? How to Fix it   
» How To Hide Taskbar in Fullscreen in Windows 10/11
» How To Hide Taskbar in Fullscreen in Windows 10/11
» The Ultimate Windows 11 Guide: Windows 11 vs Windows 10
» How To Center the Start Menu and Taskbar on Windows 10