How to Stop Auto-correct in Microsoft Word

The auto-correct feature is useful for automatically fixing misspelled words. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to stop autocorrect in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word has many changeable options available for you. Features such as AutoCorrect, AutoFormat and grammar check are just a few of the options available.

You can access Word’s options from the application itself. Open the File menu located above the ribbon and choose Options. Here, you can review and choose which features you want to have turned on and off.

How do I get word to stop helping me type


If you are only looking for features about typing, look at the Proofing tab. You can find most of the options by clicking on the AutoCorrect Options button.

You can reach further options regarding typing assistance by clicking on the Tools menu. Navigate to the Spelling & Grammar tab and there you can find spell check and other features.

How Word can help with typing

Do you often find it a challenge to use tools that correct spelling and grammatical errors? You might want to tweak your settings and shape Word to be more ideal for your skills and workflow.

Most people use features to help when typing up documents or reviewing lengthy files. Admittedly, it can often be more of a distraction for some users.

These tools are not perfect. Sometimes they have a hard time deciding when to correct spelling or replace words. This can lead to errors that have to be manually corrected.

Did you change your mind? Finished the document which had problems caused when using spell and grammar checks? If needed, you can always turn these features back on for later use.

How Word can help with typing

How to turn off Autocorrect in Microsoft Word

There are many features that can help you with correcting your typing errors. One of the most frequently used features is AutoCorrect.

Most of the time this is a useful tool to insert into your routine when working with Word. It's the feature that automatically replaces misspelled words as you go.

There might be instances where you do not want to use it, or simply find it more of a hassle than again. If errors often occur with AutoCorrect while you are writing, we recommend turning it off.

Below you can find the steps to locate AutoCorrect settings from the Word menu. We will explain how to correctly disable it. Follow our guide to avoid its interference with your workflow in the future.

  1. Before anything, you need to open up Word to be able to access the software’s settings. Do you have multiple versions of Word installed on your computer? You will need to change the settings for each one of them individually.
  2. Navigate to the AutoCorrect options by opening the File menu.
  3. Click on Options from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Word Options window, click on the Proofing section from the side menu.
    How to turn off AutoCorrect in Microsoft Word
  5. Click on the AutoCorrect Option button. This will bring up all the available options about AutoCorrect for you to customize.
  6. Turn off any features that you do not wish to encounter while using Word. For example, the capitalization of first letters in sentences, or the correction of two initial capitals.
    How to turn off AutoCorrect in Microsoft Word
  7. Once you’re done with tweaking, click OK to save your settings. You might have to restart Word to make sure all changes are updated and properly functioning.

Other things to Disable


Follow the same steps as above to get to the AutoCorrect options window once again.

You want to access further settings about formatting. This time in the pop-up window, switch over to the AutoFormat and AutoFormat As You Type tabs.

Disable the additional features that help with typing and word correction here. Same as above, apply your settings and restart Word for all changes to take place.


AutoText is also accessible in the AutoCorrect options window.

Disable the Show AutoComplete tip feature. This would display a prediction of a word you are typing, which can cause a distraction and disrupt your workflow.

Simply disable it by removing the tick next to it, apply your changes, and restart Word.

Additional options

Some other spelling and grammar assist features are available on a different menu. To access them, click on the Tools menu, then choose the Options button.

Here, you can see a bunch of features regarding how Word functions on your computer. Feel like disabling anything? Just remove the “checkbox from next” to it by clicking on the box itself.

The two most useful tabs to check out here related to typing are the Edit tab and the Spelling & Grammar tab.

You can disable things such as spell-checking. Spell-checking is the red, or sometimes green underline Word displays. It appears red when you write something incorrectly or Word can't recognize it. It's green if Word detects a grammatical error.

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