15 Laptop BUYING MISTAKES! 2024 Laptop Buying Guide

Beim Kauf eines Laptops sollten Sie einige Fehler vermeiden, sei es für die Arbeit, die Schule oder zu Hause. Hier sind 15 Fehler beim Laptop-Kauf, die jeder vermeiden sollte.

I recently purchased two new laptops: one for my work and another for school for my son. I am also planning to buy my daughter a laptop soon. But there’s something I need to share. 

You should avoid some mistakes when buying a laptop, whether it's for work, school, or home. 

This article guides you through the 15 laptop buying mistakes you should avoid. 

Laptop Buying Mistakes

15 laptop buying mistakes

  1. Overlooking Ergonomics 
  2. Overpaying for a Laptop 
  3. Buying the Cheapest Laptop 
  4. Overlooking Portability 
  5. Ports  
  6. Storage  
  7. Obsessed with One Spec  
  8. Not Buying Enough Power  
  9. Size Doesn’t Matter  
  10. Forgetting the Future  
  11. 2-in-1 is Not Laptop 
  12. Not Watching Reviews 
  13. Brand Loyalty 
  14. Glossy Display 
  15. High Resolution 
  16. (BONUS) Other People’s Needs 



Laptop buying can be a daunting task with so many options available in the market. However, making the wrong choice can lead to a frustrating and unsatisfactory experience.

To avoid such pitfalls, we have compiled a list of the 15 most common laptop buying mistakes to steer clear of when shopping for a new laptop in 2024.

#1. Overlooking Ergonomics

Laptops are designed to be portable and therefore, ergonomics should be a top consideration. You need to be comfortable using your laptop, and so it’s important to look for one that is comfortable to use, has a good keyboard and trackpad, and is the right size and weight.

Overpaying for a Laptop: A laptop with all the latest features might be tempting, but it is not always necessary to pay top dollar. You can find many laptops that provide great value for money and still offer excellent performance.

#2. Buying the Cheapest Laptop

On the other hand, buying the cheapest laptop might not always be a good idea. Cheap laptops often compromise on important features such as performance, durability, and warranty.

#3. Overlooking Portability

If you’re looking for a laptop to take with you on the go, portability should be a top priority. You want a laptop that is easy to carry and lightweight, without sacrificing performance.

#4. Ports

Make sure to check the number of ports available on the laptop you are interested in. Do you need an HDMI port, USB-C, or a dedicated graphics card? Consider what you need now and in the future.

#5. Storage

Consider the storage capacity you will need. If you plan to store a lot of data, you might want to opt for a laptop with a larger hard drive or solid-state drive.

#6. Obsessed with One Spec

While it is important to have a good processor, RAM, and graphics card, it’s equally important to consider the other features. Don’t get too caught up on one spec and forget about the others.

#7. Not Buying Enough Power

If you plan to use your laptop for demanding tasks such as video editing or gaming, you need a laptop with enough power to handle the load.

#8. Size Doesn’t Matter

While a larger screen can be appealing, it is not always necessary. Consider the size of your laptop based on your needs and usage, and don’t be swayed by bigger screens just for the sake of it.

#9. Forgetting the Future

It is important to consider the future when buying a laptop. Will it be able to handle the tasks you’ll be using it for in a few years? Investing in a laptop with the right specs and hardware can save you money in the long run.

#10. 2-in-1 is Not Laptop

2-in-1 laptops might seem like a great idea, but they often compromise on performance and functionality. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

#11. Not Watching Reviews

Before making a purchase, make sure to read reviews from other users. This can give you a better idea of the pros and cons of the laptop and help you make an informed decision.

#12. Brand Loyalty

Just because you’ve always used one brand of laptop doesn’t mean it’s the best for you now. Consider other brands and options, and don’t be afraid to branch out and try something new.

#13. Glossy Display

While a glossy display might look great, it can also be distracting and difficult to use in bright light conditions. Consider opting for a matte display for a more comfortable viewing experience.

#14. High Resolution

A high resolution might seem like a great idea, but it also requires more power to run. Make sure to balance the resolution you want with the performance you need.

#15. (BONUS) Other People’s Needs

 If you are buying a laptop for someone else, consider their needs and usage. A laptop for a student will be different from one for a graphic designer or gamer.

Watch Video: Laptop Buying Mistakes

Final thoughts

In conclusion, when buying a laptop, it’s important to consider your needs, usage, and budget. Avoiding these common laptop buying mistakes can help you make an informed and satisfying purchase. Take your time and do your research, and you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect laptop for you.

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