How To Fix Slow Keyboard Response on Windows 11

Are you experiencing slow responses or input lag from your keyboard on Windows 11? Try these tips.

It can be incredibly frustrating when your keyboard does not respond as quickly as expected. This occurrence is called a keyboard input lag, or slow response time, and it can be experienced on Windows 11 systems. With the proper steps, you can diagnose what’s causing the issue and take measures to fix it.

If you’ve been experiencing slow keyboard response on your Windows 11 system, don’t worry - there are some simple steps you can take to fix the issue and get back to work. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide for diagnosing the problem, offer potential solutions, and give tips for preventing it from occurring in the future.

How To Fix Slow Keyboard Response on Windows 11

What Causes Keyboard Lag in Windows 11?

Keyboard lag and slow keyboard response in Windows 11 can occur due to several reasons, including:

  • Outdated or corrupt keyboard drivers: If the drivers for your keyboard are outdated or corrupted, your keyboard may not work correctly, resulting in slow response times.
  • Malware or viruses: Malware and viruses can also cause slow keyboard response times by using system resources and interfering with keyboard functions.
  • Resource-hogging programs: If too many programs are running on your system, they may consume too many resources, causing your keyboard to respond slowly.
  • Hardware issues: If your keyboard is physically damaged or malfunctioning, it may cause slow response times.
  • Windows update issues: Sometimes, Windows updates may cause keyboard lag as they can conflict with the keyboard drivers or other system settings.

By identifying the root cause of the slow keyboard response, you can take appropriate action to fix the issue and improve your typing experience in Windows 11.

How to Fix Keyboard Input Lag on Windows 11

There are a few solutions you can try to fix the keyboard input lag issue on Windows 11. We recommend performing each of the steps in order.

1. Check Your Hardware

First, it's important to check your hardware for any visible damage that could be causing the slow response time. This includes checking for stuck or missing keys, frayed cords, or other physical issues that may impact the keyboard's performance. We recommend going through the following steps:

  • Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard
  • Check cables for damage, fraying, and loose connections
  • Check for dust or other dirt buildups in the keyboard
  • Clean the keyboard with alcohol wipes
  • Check batteries if using a wireless keyboard
  • Check your computer's Bluetooth receiver
  • Check if Bluetooth is turned on

If you don't see any physical damage, it's time to move on to the next solution.

2. Use the Keyboard Troubleshooter

Using the Keyboard troubleshooter in Windows 11 can help you diagnose and fix any issues related to your keyboard. This built-in feature can identify any problems with your keyboard and recommend potential solutions. Follow the steps below to use the troubleshooter:

  1. Firstly, click on the "Start" button located at the bottom left corner of your screen, then click on "Settings." Alternatively, use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut.
  2. Select "System" from the left-side menu, and from there, click on "Troubleshoot.”
    Troubleshoot in Windows 11 Settings
  3. Select the "Other troubleshooters" option.
    Other Troubleshooters in Windows 11 Settings
  4. In the next window, click on the "Run" button beside the Keyboard troubleshooter.
    Run the Keyboard troubleshooter in Windows 11 Settings
  5. Choose the specific keyboard that is giving you problems. Allow the Windows 11 troubleshooter to automatically detect and troubleshoot any issues with your PC's hardware.

3. Disable Filter Keys

Next, try disabling Filter Keys in Windows 11. This feature can cause slow keyboard response times, so disabling it may improve your keyboard's performance. Follow the steps below to disable Filter Keys:

  1. Click on the "Start" menu button, located in the bottom left corner of your screen, and select "Settings". Alternatively, use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut.
  2. Next, choose "Accessibility" from the menu on the left. Then, select "Keyboard" on the right.
    Keyboard accessibility settings in Windows 11
  3. Finally, uncheck the box next to " Filter keys" to turn it off. By following these steps, you should be able to disable or enable Filter Keys on your Windows 11 PC as needed.
    Turning Filter keys off in Windows 11 Settings

4. Update Your Keyboard Driver

If disabling Filter Keys doesn't work, it may be time to update your keyboard driver. An outdated or corrupt driver can cause slow response times, so updating it to the latest version can potentially improve performance and compatibility with Windows 11. Follow the steps below to update your keyboard driver:

  1. Click on the search icon located in the taskbar and type in "Device Manager". Then, select the first result that appears.
    Device Manager in Windows 11 search
  2. Once in the Device Manager, find the "Keyboards" category, click on the arrow to expand it, and then right-click on the keyboard driver that you wish to update.
  3. Select "Update driver" from the drop-down list and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
    Updating keyboard driver in Windows 11 Device Manager

By following these steps, you should be able to update the keyboard drivers on your Windows 11 PC and ensure that it is running smoothly and efficiently.

5. Reinstall Your Keyboard Driver

In some cases, reinstalling your keyboard driver can fix any corrupted or damaged driver files that may be causing slow response times. Follow the steps below to uninstall and reinstall your keyboard driver:

  1. Open the Device Manager by clicking on the search icon located in the taskbar and typing in "Device Manager". Then, select the first result that appears.
  2. Once in the Device Manager, find the "Keyboards" category, click on the arrow to expand it, and then right-click on the keyboard driver that you wish to reinstall.
  3. Select "Uninstall device" from the drop-down list and confirm that you want to uninstall the device by clicking on "Uninstall" in the pop-up window.
    Uninstalling a driver in Windows 11 Device Manager
  4. After the driver has been uninstalled, click on the "Scan for hardware changes" button located in the Device Manager toolbar. This will prompt Windows 11 to detect and reinstall the missing driver.
    Scanning for hardware changes in Windows 11 Device Manager
  5. Once the driver has been reinstalled, restart your PC to ensure that the changes have taken effect.

6. Use the DISM Command

If none of the above solutions works, you can try using the DISM command in Windows 11 to repair any corrupted system files that may be impacting the keyboard's performance. Follow the steps below to use the DISM command:

  1. Open the search bar in your taskbar (or press Windows + S) and then type in Command Prompt. When you see it in the results, right-click on it and choose Run as Administrator.
  2. When the User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears, click Yes to grant the app administrative privileges.
  3. Type in the following command and press Enter to execute it: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
    Executing the DISM command on Windows 11
  4. Once you have run the command, allow the process to complete. After it has finished, close the Command Prompt and restart your device to check if the Windows search is displaying results properly.

7. Disable Your Antivirus App

Finally, temporarily disabling your antivirus app may help diagnose if it is the root cause of the slow response time issue. Some antivirus solutions are known to cause a bug that impacts the performance of keyboards. Disabling it can help you determine if this is the case.

The following antivirus apps may be affected: SentinelOne, McAfee, and Norton. If you're using any of these, we recommend disabling them and seeing if the keyboard response time improves. If the issue seems to go away after disabling your antivirus, we recommend reaching out to the antivirus provider for more information.


Although keyboard lag may seem like an issue that’s incredibly hard to solve, fixing keystroke delays can be a straightforward process. Through the steps outlined in this article, you are now equipped with the knowledge to identify and fix any slow keyboard response.

Not only did you learn how to diagnose the problem and come up with potential solutions, but also tips on how to prevent this issue from happening again in the future. With these steps in mind, you can confidently resolve any future issues your Windows 11 system may be experiencing - and keep it running optimally.

We hope this article has been helpful and that you have a much better understanding of how to fix slow keyboard response in Windows 11. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to help.

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