Sometimes creating PowerPoint presentations can prove to be a harder job than you originally thought it would be. No matter if you are working on a presentation for a client, for educational purposes or as a personal project, the ten templates we are about to show you can definitely save a lot of your time and make it far less complicated to create a professional and visually appealing presentation that you can be proud of.
Even if you think you don't have what it takes to create a presentation that stands out and shines amongst many others, these templates will enable you to make something your viewers will enjoy seeing.
All of these templates in our showcase are designed with you in mind. They all provide assets that make your presentations stand out with beautiful visual elements, smooth animations, and transitions, while also keeping true to the topic you are presenting for and using popular elements, sections and titles, allowing you to include vital information about certain things that make your presentation more professional and pleasing.
They are also highly customizable, while also staying easy to edit. You simply just have to type in your own text and insert your own images in place of the placeholders, and you’re set! No matter your skill level in designing or having a close deadline, you can simply use these templates to make your transitions better than ever.
Helicanus Presentation Template
This template has become quite popular because of its high professionalism and its cultivated, modern design. Most people use this template to create a presentation about their travels, fashion related topics, photographs, and services such as hotels.
Ceres Presentation Template
A more natural-looking template, quite literally. With its elements resembling flowers, vines, the earthy colors, and friendly fonts, Ceres is a template perfect for presenting about our Earth, about gardening, flowers, and any related topics.
William Presentation Template
Targeted more towards businesses, this template delivers a modern, clean look with a flashy orange to highlight important elements and add more visual interest. The fonts are professional and easy to read and tie every element in the presentation together.
Quintus Presentation Template
This creative template gives you the chance to create a stylish, book-like look for your presentations. Mostly used in educational projects, Quintus gives you everything you need to make an engaging presentation.
Cerimon Presentation Template
This wonderful template allows you to present medical, health, and fitness related topics with ease. The included illustrations of the human body can be customized by moving the pain and focus points.
Dolabella Presentation Template
Dolabella features Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawings and gives your work a historical feeling with its carefully chosen fonts and filters.
Katharine Presentation Template
The photo-focused Katharine template allows you to showcase images in high-resolution while providing minimal information to distract your viewers from the beauty of your shots.
Oberon Presentation Template
Oberon is a highly customizable, colorful presentation template suitable for all needs, let it be a professional setting, or something that allows more freedom for presenting.
Miranda Presentation Template
Inspire your audience with minimalist content on top of photographic backgrounds to achieve a stylish look. This template is perfect for projects that aren’t heavy on words and rely more on images.
Timon Presentation Template
The watercolor look of Timon is perfect for artistic slides, not to mention the fitting handwritten font for titles and the colorful look.