Each Purchase You Make Contributes To Making A Better World For All Of Us
We Are On A Mission To Build A Better World
Helping Orphanages
We care about our future generations. For every purchase you make, a portion is donated to an orphanage in developing countries ( Thailand, Philippines, and India ). We provide the children with books, food, software, laptops and all other necessities for their development.
Protecting The Environment
Each Quarter we actively work towards reducing our Carbon footprint. We even offset the email or sever Carbon footprints by planting trees. By 2025 our investments in environmental technology will lead us to a near carbon neutral business. Additionally, a portion of all proceeds goes towards replenishing natural rain forests.
Rescuing Animals
Since we want to create a better world for everyone so we are actively participating in helping and rescuing homeless animals. We have sponsored these helpless animals for their care and support.